Smartphone situations

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So you have an awesome smartphone (cost you a month's pay ), and you are tweeting away with one hand (thanks to the smart word prediction software ) while standing on the sidewalk (it's the luxury you spent a month's salary for ! ) and someone accidentally grazes by you....

It's becoming a common occurrence, and there is only so much that the Gorilla Glass can do.

So I have designed a low fi solution for such situations ... (the accidental fall of the smartphone, not the one handed typing )

I seek your help on two areas-
1. have you faced such a situation, if yes how much would you be willing to pay for the solution.
2. suggestions for a "smart " name for the solution.

Ofcourse if anyone already knows of a solution that is in the market or would like to share any ideas they have about a solution please let me know.
That's a rather cryptic description of what you are trying to get at.

I'll anyways pen my response:
* if it's an app that will tell me someone is nearby etc, I wouldn't care about it much. I'd be crazy getting so engrossed in an expensive phone in a public place.
* If it's a generic 'strap on wrist':I wouldn't care again.
* If it's a 'special cover that does the job & still looks good'.. or if it's a crazy-mofo-bungee-protector-milspec-thingy. I'd perhaps be willing to spend about 3-7% of the cost of the phone.
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