SMPS for desktop pc which has integrated gpu and 4tb hdd but no graphics card.


Hi I am Rupesh from India and I have a system with Intel i3 10th gen processor and Asus prime H 510 me motherboard with gigabyte 256 GB SSD nvme but I don't have any separate graphics card. Today I have ordered Seagate 4 tb internal harddisk. I am searching for a SMPS which supply proper power.

At present I am using frontech 600 watts SMPS and when I connect my old one tb internal harddisk I can't copy files from SSD nvme to 1 tb due to shortage of power supply. For extra memory space I have ordered 4 tb internal harddisk Seagate barracuda compute.

When I am using hdd I am getting some unusual errors and even my windows explorer is taking lots of time to load files from a folder.

Due to the above issues I am searching for a affordable SMPS according to my needs.

As I am not using a graphics card I think that 800 watts SMPS is enough for me and found frontech 800 watts psu and it's spec page is as follows

Many of you may prefer crossafair etc., but I am not going to use my pc for high end games and even I am not using graphics card. My requirement is I want to copy files from SSD nvme to 4 tb internal harddisk Seagate.

Please try to suggest if I use this SMPS whether there will be no damages to my pc components or not. If it's not recommended to use 800 watts SMPS try to suggest any affordable low cost SMPS.

Why do you think it's your old smps that doesn't let you copy the files? For your config even 300W smps is more than enough. HDDs don't use a lot of power. Failed copy pasting must be due some other reason or your existing smps could be faulty. You should buy an entry level 450W SMPS from any known brand.

At idle, 800W SMPS will draw more power than all other components combined just to keep it turned on.
At present I have two hdds one is Seagate barracuda compute 1 tb internal harddisk and another is Seagate barracuda compute 2 tb internal harddisk. I have tried to copy files to and from these two but failed.

I think that the main reason is no sufficient power supply to hdds.

Someone from tech enclave suggested to use crossafair. They said using low quality SMPS may damage particularly hdds.

Due to their suggestions I thought to buy a new 800 watts SMPS.

Another issue is I run my pc at 80 percent cpu load and I think running pc at 80 percent load require 800 watts SMPS.

If you think my belief is wrong try to suggest what's correct.
There could be several reasons for failed copy paste on hdd. First note that there's a huge performance difference between nvme and hdd, so max transfer rate will limited to hdd. A damaged sata cable can also be a reason. Answer few more questions-
1) How old is that hdd in which you are getting error?
2) how much is your ssd filled up?
Hi Rupesh
You don't need a 800watts SMPS for your current setup.
450watts smps is enough for your configuration. Buy a 450watts smps from a reputed brand like corsair, cooler master, thermal take etc.

I believe your old 1tb hard drive has issues. Format it and then try to use it.
Install "crystal disk info" and check the hard drive health status.
Actually the error is not while copying from SSD to hdd but in windows 11 I have tried robocopy to move all MP3 files from one drive (E:\source) to another drive (F:\destination). Here both E and F drives are present in the same 2 tb internal harddisk. After some time copy failed I mean struck.

Can I use my old 600 watts SMPS as it is.

Are frontech brand SMPS are faulty and using those do damage pc components.
I only have a few things to add, 2.5" HDDs and SSDs don't consume more than 3-4.5W and the big boys 9-10W and thats almost a rounding error for modern PSUs. Unless you are using a PSU from 1995 I don't think that's an issue. Look under classifieds to get a HDD/SSD and a PSU.

Also almost snorted water reading crossafair incidently that's a good name for a knock off corsair PSU :D
Ok I am going to buy a new psu because using faulty psu can lead to failure of other pc components.

I have calculated the total watts for my needs using online tools such as pc watts calculator and interestingly found I need only 270 watts.

My question is which is best and affordable. Try to suggest any other brands you know than crosair.
Hi I have brought new Seagate barracuda 4 tb internal hard disc.

Can I connect it to my system which has old frontech 600 watts SMPS.

I mean whether it works properly or not.

I am thinking that the old frontech SMPS don't supply sufficient power.

At present I will use this SMPS and after four days I am going to replace it with Corsair 450 watts.
Hi I have brought new Corsair cv 450 watts psu and it's running smoothly and everything especially segate hard discs are working fine.

Thanks for your suggestion to not to buy 800 watts SMPS and also referring Corsair 450 watts.