PC Peripherals SMPS Query

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Hi All,

I just saw the Gigabyte 460W superb PSU thread in the dealers paradise section. I currently have a Tagan TG500-U37 500W SMPS
(Max Power upto 600W) which is juicing up my GTX 260 sonic and quad 8200 alongwith 3 cabby fans and 3 hard drives. Its sticking to its stonerock series name and giving me all the power i need at the moment no problems watsoever. Though wanted to play safe and know whther i would need a better PSU and go for something like Gigabyte 460w. I don wanna spend anything extra here as i haven faced any problems yet but wud it be wiser to switch to Gigabyte.

its more than enough for ur needs with little heatroom also

the smps u have is way better than the gigabyte one....stick to it..
Thnx for the reply mate.. Just wanted to make sure the confi can go a long way as don wanna spend on any upgrades atleas for the next 6months.
That would be like a DOWNGRADE dude. The Gigabyte is actually a 400 watter, with a max output of 460w. Besides, i'm not sure whether it could handle your rig.

Stick with what you have. :)
^^ will sure do that only now.. just wasnt sure about the durability of Tagan SMPS since i haven heard much bout it in the TE circles..
RadioHeAd said:
^^ will sure do that only now.. just wasnt sure about the durability of Tagan SMPS since i haven heard much bout it in the TE circles..

Tagan is reliable.........especially BZ series. But there were/are quirks which ruined its name.........and tagn provides only 3 yr wrranty:hap5:
harryneopotter said:
Tagan is better than Gigabyte mate. So dont worry at all. Its a very reputed brand !!!

Don't downgrade dude . Its better than the gigabyte leaving u headroom also.
harryneopotter said:
Tagan is better than Gigabyte mate. So dont worry at all. Its a very reputed brand !!!

Anubis said:
Don't downgrade dude . Its better than the gigabyte leaving u headroom also.

How do you guys conclude this? Just curious!
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