SMS Getting delivered Late

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I am sending National SMS from Chennai to Karnataka and the other person is sending it back from Karnataka to chennai.

I am on Airtel and the other person on Vodaphone.

The most annoying thing is the ones I send gets delivered instantly but the one that the other person sends kinda takes like 6 to 7 hours to be delivered. WTF! .... Sometimes it gets delivered right away but this is annoying.

Any help people???
network related issue..

what an end user can do is send sms when the signal strength is maximum.

but is still there is delay then the service provider is to be blamed.
Problem could be with either of the network providers. Heck, once same thing happened with us and while we were blaming our respective operators the problem turned out to be in the phone. It had problem with network reception but still showed full network all the time (as if hanged!).

So check that as well.
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