Most of u might have noticed already that u r being charged Re.1 for every SMS u send on holidays.
Called up Hutch Customer Care and got the dates when the SMS will be charged at Re.1:
January - 1st & 26th
Febuary - 14th
March - 4th & 19th
April - 14th
August - 5th & 15th
October - 18th & 21st
November - 8th, 9th & 10th
December - 25th & 31st
CC buggers claim they would rather publish in a local daily rather than inform every customer over sms as 'even though we send routine sms informing the price hike, many ppl dont receive them.' And since they want to reach out to a larger crowd and inform as many ppl as possible, they wud rather publich in a newspaper!
It disgusting to see how conveniently they neglect the fact that every lame offer about ringtones/singtones/caller tunes they send reaches everyone promptly and only the messages mentioning the price hike fail to be delivered. In their own admittance, they have received many complaints from customers of NOT having received such messages.
ANother point being, if they have so much of goodwill in reaching out to each n every 'aam aadmi,' why not publish the ad about special prices in all newspapers? or atleast leading national newspapers? why just stick to some lameass local daily that doesnt even have a worthy readership?
Frigging lamers.

Called up Hutch Customer Care and got the dates when the SMS will be charged at Re.1:
January - 1st & 26th
Febuary - 14th
March - 4th & 19th
April - 14th
August - 5th & 15th
October - 18th & 21st
November - 8th, 9th & 10th
December - 25th & 31st
CC buggers claim they would rather publish in a local daily rather than inform every customer over sms as 'even though we send routine sms informing the price hike, many ppl dont receive them.' And since they want to reach out to a larger crowd and inform as many ppl as possible, they wud rather publich in a newspaper!
It disgusting to see how conveniently they neglect the fact that every lame offer about ringtones/singtones/caller tunes they send reaches everyone promptly and only the messages mentioning the price hike fail to be delivered. In their own admittance, they have received many complaints from customers of NOT having received such messages.
ANother point being, if they have so much of goodwill in reaching out to each n every 'aam aadmi,' why not publish the ad about special prices in all newspapers? or atleast leading national newspapers? why just stick to some lameass local daily that doesnt even have a worthy readership?
Frigging lamers.