Sniper Elite V2 - Discussion Thread

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Let's Hunt Hitler Gameplay:

Sniper Elite v2, the follow-up to Rebellion's 2005 stealth shooter, will get a demo next week on Xbox Live and PSN.

The Xbox 360 demo will release first on Tuesday April 10, with the PlayStation 3 demo following a day later on Wednesday 11th.

The demo, which sees you reprise your role as Karl Fairburne, the undercover American OSS agent from the first game, will showcase a special mission set amongst the crumbling streets and houses of the town of Schöneberg .

You'll need to stealthily infiltrate your way through the shattered ruins of Schöneberg evading German troops and occupying enemy forces. Once in position, you'll lay a booby-trap to take out a vehicle in an armoured convoy which is carrying a Nazi expert in rocket engine technology, as well as recover top secret documents that will eventually lead you to unearthing a covert V2 rocket production facility.

Source: Computerandvideogames
Downloading the 360 demo now. Have heard some rave reviews about the demo.

Love the stealth sniping, looking forward to this on PC early next month.
I really wish the game was in first person though. I am not sure how the third person would fare especially when the player is supposed to have a sniper with him at all times.
^^play sniper elite first.

The game was really brilliant.Though i have only played its demo but may complete the original someday.
Sniper Elite V2 is a remake of Sniper Elite. I wouldn't be anxiously waiting for this if I had played the first.
Oh crap..if it is TPS. Will take away the flavor or tactical shooters.

Exactly my worry. OTOH if it has been executed well like the classic Hitman or IGI, it is a definite winner! It's been ages since I've played a stealth based TPS. Anyhow this is going to be played using the keyboard and mouse, so that's there.

If the first title was received well, there shouldn't be anything wrong with this one.
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