Seems like City Interactive has announced the sequel to SGW to be released across all the three major platforms for 2012. The game should be premiered at the E3 this year, reports IGN. The game would be using the CryEngine 3 engine from Crytek.
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 Announced - PlayStation 3 News at IGN
I hope the second game improves upon some of the shortcomings from the first title. Despite poor reviews from major critics, the title had a cult following IMO and a vast majority of us in the forum loved playing it.
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 Announced - PlayStation 3 News at IGN
I hope the second game improves upon some of the shortcomings from the first title. Despite poor reviews from major critics, the title had a cult following IMO and a vast majority of us in the forum loved playing it.