Snooker Cue

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make : something wooden

weight : something that can be carried

cue tip : white / black / pink / whatever you prefer

length : something pretty long :P
I Have use BlackWidow make cue stick. I prefer a bit lighter stick. Depends on your preference. Are u going to play for fist time or been regular?
I play like once or twice a week if I can... Like heavy cues since they help me strike the straight long shots better ...
I Myself don't like snooker that much but i have always had this fantasy about snooker table .... umm .... nevermind :P:P
Will you playing pool or snooker with it... Also will you be playing with small balls or bigger balls cause that makes a big difference... Whats your budget like...

I won a que long time back in an competition... That time it was for like 2000 odd bucks(Ya i know cheap) but it does the work well... Maybe i can bring it over to show you next time we guys are having a meet...

Cheap Cues are easily available in lajpat nager...
Switch said:
Will you playing pool or snooker with it... Also will you be playing with small balls or bigger balls cause that makes a big difference... Whats your budget like...

I won a que long time back in an competition... That time it was for like 2000 odd bucks(Ya i know cheap) but it does the work well... Maybe i can bring it over to show you next time we guys are having a meet...

Cheap Cues are easily available in lajpat nager...
Snooker. Don't know about the ball size.

What should my budget be like ? I'm not exactly pro or anything, but play pretty well ..

Next time we have a meet ? :rofl:

Alright. Central Market ? I'll check them out. Any good brands ? And what about the tip size ?
in pool, coz of the big balls and small table, you will need to manouvre the cueball a lot so the cuetip is usually 11-14mm

snooker tips are 9-11mm wide
Switch said:
Also will you be playing with small balls or bigger balls cause that makes a big difference... Whats your budget like...
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

sorry nishant bhaiya, cudn't resist :p
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