Mac OS Snow Leopard Availability ?


Level F
Is it available anywhere in India ? I mean the upgrade disc ? It got released on 28th August but we still do not have it. Just a couple of days back I enquired in a couple of shops in Mumbai and they are still "expecting it in a week" or so :no:
Did you try calling Apple Sales support?

I think it should be available with Apple authorized resellers by now. The single user license costs around 1800 bucks.

And as far as i know, there is no upgrade disk, i.e. both disks(Retail and Mac Box Set) allow clean install regardless of OS you're currently using.

However, there is an up-to-date programme under which you can buy the same retail disk for $9.99, but i'm not sure if there's such an option for Indian consumers.
^^Not available with Apple authorized resellers in Mumbai. And also AFAIK, upgrade disk is what costs 1800 bucks. Retail version should be a lot more expensive.
Retail version=upgrade disk(i.e both allow full clean install)

Single user install disk costs 1800 (the upgrade disk or Retail disk, whatever you may call it)

Family pack with allows 5 licenses or more, on the other hand around 3200 bucks.

Mac Box set is around 13200 which includes iLife and iWork.

/Offtopic: APPLE JUST INTRODUCED NEW iMacs, Unibody MacBook, Magic multi-touch mouse, and slew of other awesome new hardware updates!!!
There's something strange going on at Delhi's 'Anything Mac'.

While the upgrade is available for 1800, if one is automatically entitled to an upgrade (e.g. by having bought an MB/MBP just before Snow Leopard's release), they say that *they* will perform the upgrade, but not give any disks. When I asked the sales rep what we would do if the system crashed, or a disk was needed for some reason, she was non-committal, and seemingly clueless.
While Snow Leopard has been available for quite some time now, I dont think Magic Mouse has reached the Indian market yet!