so after 4 Months of waiting !! DAMN !!

hay , dont say it wrong!! did not i say ...ask red dragon about the Treble sparkle(as he has SM3 )

i sad UM3x might have less bass for your liking and the SM3 just enough bass for you !!

I said 4 iems suit you FX700, RE262, DDM and SM3 (after RED dragons advice)

and yeah i have read that treble is great sparkle in SM3 .. as he finds the RE252's treble harsh.. ..i cna only recommend ...FX700 that has sparkle and is super smooth in its treble presentation or the RE262 that has less treble sparkle. (lol, is it a coincidence that i own both the IEMs suited for anubhav :p)
hehe . its my pleasure u will be in Delhi very soon in December . I will be the lucky one to audition my soon be bought iem's :D

Do bring the FX700 and 262's . and even the can's :p

Come soon achal :D
there are no cans just a can ...the CAN ...the AKG K702 ...i was lucky that my first can purchase was this great, then even now i dont feel i am compromising in desktop audio and now with my portable setup also is finally making me feel that way ! ....Whats more ...miracle is due!! :D

it s huge ...cant bring it. will definitely bring all my portables.

SM3 has good detail in treble. But, most people of late have started "criticizing" it for having recessed treble. I don't know if 'recessed' treble can be that sparkly. To my ears, RE-252 does not have a forward, aggressive treble presentation that DBA-02 or RE0 have. Since even RE-252 bites his ears, what anubhav needs is good quantity and quality of bass, good mids and smooth treble. FX700 / 262 / DDM are all good suggestions - at least you and I can talk from experience. For SM3, will await red dragon's comments.


Even if strategy somehow manages to bring his K702, you'd need a proper headphone amp to experience what he talks about.
my HM 602 drives AKG well, the DAC is better that the D1's DAC.. but am not sure if anubhav will be able to hear a thing as he uses his fuze at max volume and still finds them somewhat lacking.

Anubhav you should not bother with sound waves to move your eardrums, rather get a physical instrument to move them :p
^ Ah! We are not pulling your leg. We are encouraging you :p. Just buy a lot of top-end IEMs, so that we can all benefit, not this sub-$100 IEMs :mad:

You have no idea how many IEMs and other stuff I've bought recently :ashamed:. So, I understand what you are going through. But, you're just buying and selling too frequently that I doubt whether you've actually tried the IEM, given it time, compared to other IEMs etc., May be you should seek loaner IEMs from others than buying and selling - reduces the hassle of so many bank transactions.... and from opening a special sub-section for you in member's market :p
esanthosh said:
^ Ah! We are not pulling your leg. We are encouraging you :p. Just buy a lot of top-end IEMs, so that we can all benefit, not this sub-$100 IEMs :mad:

You have no idea how many IEMs and other stuff I've bought recently :ashamed:. So, I understand what you are going through. But, you're just buying and selling too frequently that I doubt whether you've actually tried the IEM, given it time, compared to other IEMs etc., May be you should seek loaner IEMs from others than buying and selling - reduces the hassle of so many bank transactions.... and from opening a special sub-section for you in member's market :p
LOL, right !
the VB is said to improve hugely after burn-n , you just bought a new pair adn sold it off after using it for 15minutes ....damn you (anubhav) did not even try different tips !! you should care more about your hard earned money.
strategy said:
LOL, right !

the VB is said to improve hugely after burn-n , you just bought a new pair adn sold it off after using it for 15minutes ....damn you (anubhav) did not even try different tips !! you should care more about your hard earned money.
LoL , who said i dint tried tips ??

I even used 252's bi-flange with them and they sounded better than the stock silicon tips . Even fit and isolation was good .

What i was not liking was the recessed mids and harsh treble at times . ( though treble too settled a bit after an over night burn-in )

But , i will still say for rock , techno , trance and club house genre's .. VB's are highly recommended :)

And now pls get me ur inputs on S:flo2 , my purchase of DAP is pending till then .

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esanthosh said:
May be you should seek loaner IEMs from others than buying and selling - reduces the hassle of so many bank transactions.... and from opening a special sub-section for you in member's market :p

This loaner part attracts me , temme if i can get a LOAN of DDM's , HJ900 , DBA-02 ( lol , when did this came ?? ) :bleh: , i will definitely take care of shipping charges for both sides :)
are burn in is a long process, you can not say ..."got my new XYZ, i burnt-them-in completely tonight...i did not like them i threw them away"

my AKG have burned in more than 1000 Hrs and as per some , they are yet to show their true colors !! :D

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are burn in is a long process, you can not say ..."got my new XYZ, i burnt-them-in completely tonight...i did not like them i threw them away"
my AKG have burned in more than 1000 Hrs and as per some , they are yet to show their true colors !! :D
they have had 800+ hrs on my head.

in case with K702 the burn in did make a difference....huge difference. earlier they sounded a bit muddy and had a crackling sound ....vibrated at high frequencies ...horrible !! then it all changed ! love them now !

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they have had 800+ hrs on my head.
in case with K702 the burn in did make a difference....huge difference. earlier they sounded a bit muddy and had a crackling sound ....vibrated at high frequencies ...horrible !! then it all changed ! love them now !