So...I got a comcast connection.

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linuxtechie said:
Sure thats good for one who lives life in a box, else outside there is nothing other than that.
says a username like "linuxtechie". Wanna bet I'll beat you in any form of activity that classifies under "life not spent in a box". Smartass.
Crazygeek said:
Broadband too would eventually come in.. It's just a matter of time!

I seriously hope so. I really want India to excel in broadband, everything depends on broadband.

RiO said:
Bad upload rate though, but I guess I can live with it...

And even 1mbps upload isn't enough for me. Apparently it takes about 4mbps upload connection to host a full 32 player room in Warhawk :P

I don't know what to do with this connection now, in India it was different but here I've heard stories. What if I download and upload over 250gigs of warez in a month? Will the RIAA/FBI be knocking down my doors??
Params7 said:
I don't know what to do with this connection now, in India it was different but here I've heard stories. What if I download and upload over 250gigs of warez in a month? Will the RIAA/FBI be knocking down my doors??

Stick to torrents, noone can do anything to you.
And you can use simple tools like custom wifi firmware or dumeter to give you warning when you reach say 200GB. Nothing much to worry about.

And to top it all, if you are on vista, enabled bitlocker to encrypt your HDD if you are too worried. Without your pass noone can see the content of your HDD, and you cannot be forced to reveal your pass legally :P
I'll do all that (i'll dump for torrents now), with this kind of connection nothing is stopping me from becoming a pirate lord, but its the ISP that has information to everything I download and they are the ones that alert the organizations right?

Anyways, I'll limit by transfer to 200 gigs a month.
<3 India :) And india will get its share of BB boost in the next couple of years. At least we are improving every passing year. I get 384kbps for 1k. Next year it will probably be 512k for around 750 bucks. I'm happy with this rate :)

All said and done, congrats ;)
Even ISPs wont bother to track small packets of data which is transfered using torrents. Its too much of a resource hog to keep track of everything. hash / tracker matching is possible but still......
You do not need to worry about all those things.
In the end a definitive proof is not easy to obtain for them if you take proper care ;)
All the other things you do like visit chatrooms. download unprotected rar /zip files, http / ftp downloads are easy to track and keep log of and the ISPs usually do keep such logs for limited amount of time for security reasons. But thats about it.

There are 100 other ways to fool your ISP and keep your data private. But that will be like being a paranoid person :P ( If you wanna know how to bounce your connection over multiple nodes and servers and proxies drop me a PM with your msn id, we will have a nice talk ;) )

Also I hope you have enabled WPA2 encryption on your wifi signal.
No. Its a wrt54g, i haven't enabled any security on it, because I hear enabling it will cause trouble in ps3? I don't know, not many geeks live around in here (just some mexicans nearby that prolly don't even own a computer). But i should right?
PS3 does support WPA2 last time i checked. You can even use WPA.

And you should always always enable some sort of encryption or atleast restrict MAC address from the router firmware. MAC address restriction will work just fine if you dont want WPA or WPA2.
ok, guess I'll enable wpa protection. Thanks funky.

@Krool : Family shifted here. My mom's bro's have been living in 'states since past 25 years and now she wants to too. Where are you at?
Params7 said:
ok, guess I'll enable wpa protection. Thanks funky.

@Krool : Family shifted here. My mom's bro's have been living in 'states since past 25 years and now she wants to too. Where are you at?

Mohnish Pabrai, by any chance?
Params7 said:
After years of laggy youtube viewing i'm watching high definition trailers off gametrailers without a single hitch. I'm posting this thread because I still can't believe this is happening to me.

btw, all the isp that exist in my [lace (verizon, comcast etc) none of them have a single plan which has "limits"...(Yes...buuurn!!!) :P

I'm not moving out of US...ever!

Just noticed this thread, and must admit it did not take much to please you, seamless youtube ..gimme break :rofl:

Comcast & Verizon of all ISPs are not the very greatest of the lot.

SpeakEasy, will blow them to bits in terms of 'freedom' as to what you can do, its not as cheap as the others you mentioned but then you get what you pay need to very lucky to be in an area they serve.

Try running a server (as in 24/7/365) on Verizon and watch the fun :P

Try doing heavy downloading on Comcast and watch the fun.

In all fairness it looks like you just debuted being a customer of Comcast, lets see what you think in 6 months to a yr's time :)
try to seed torrents using comcast... download some data. Comcast is all over the news for throttling torrent download/uploads :P
I have had Comcast internet for years.. I download a lot of stuff.. and I mean a lot..... I have never even been approached by comcast.... honestly ... unless a Media mogul threatens them or something... they don give a sh*#t. I would suggest using something like Peer Guardian, it will definitely be a good thing to use.
I have this feeling it all depends on how easy it is to give them the good ol 2-fingers :)

So if its an area with competing ISPs, then kinda ignore it, chances are they have more capacity anyway, move deeper into the burbs and it can be a different affair. Verizon's plan is to sell it dirt cheap and kill any competition, then they get to be the boss.

oh yeah, peer guardian would be pretty essential if you don't want any nasty 'surprises' to spoil your trip.
I won't run emule/torrents without running peerguardian ofcourse. And yes I've heard a lot about comcast limiting down/up speeds. The only other good alternative I have here is verizon (they do that as well?). Gonna inquire about more ISP's here, if speakeasy is available I'll shift to it next month.
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