PC Peripherals So....which software display accurate temps

The Sorcerer

When I had a8n sli, overclocking was as easy as messing with fsb and multiplier and other minor settings, but p5q deluxe is driving me crazy...but in a good way.


As you see, different software says different temps. I just want to know which one is accurate. Is it speed fan, real temp or core temp. This is the first timeI am using intel and its so freaking confusing
This is a question i have too. Currently using Hardware monitor, speedfan and everest, none seem to give consistent readings.
Also my cpu temps read around 45 C which is kind of believable but cpu core temps remain mostly below 10 C!!!!! what the ******!!!!
I am in B'lore, ambients ~18-22 C.
i have used speed fan, real temp, core temp and hw monitor.. the results i got with all the sofware expect speed fan is consistent and correct...
speed fan is reporting 5c lesser than the all other software...
The Sorcerer said:
As you see, different software says different temps. I just want to know which one is accurate. Is it speed fan, real temp or core temp. This is the first timeI am using intel and its so freaking confusing

Real temp is the accurate one, core temp picks up the Tj Max of the e7200 as 105 C, the correct reading should be 95C for this CPU. To change the Tj Max in Core temp all you need to do is make this addition in the Settings.ini file in the Core temp directory....

[Core Temp settings]