Socket programming

@kekerode: I thought since he is a novice why not let him start with WCF straightaway. Will sure help the unlearning that most of us had to do while moving to wcf. The concepts and overall programming model is much simpler if you start straight with WCF.

What say?
@sarang : I have no idea about what aadish is upto ... and yes I agree with you about learning WCF if one is starting .Net

I believe SOA has simplified connectivity between different systems but still mass data is transferred on old protocols like ftp, http, esmtp and for them socket programming is vital concept.
kekerode said:
@sarang : I have no idea about what aadish is upto ... and yes I agree with you about learning WCF if one is starting .Net

I believe SOA has simplified connectivity between different systems but still mass data is transferred on old protocols like ftp, http, esmtp and for them socket programming is vital concept.

err I still won't dare call http old. Its still alive and kicking and SOA is kinda too big word to use for little enterprise mashups or connecting a system or two. And talking of SOA it'd still need HTTP/S at the end of the day.

And whatever socks have to offer can be done with WCF, its just a framework the underlying stuff will still be over sockets anyways.
sarang said:
err I still won't dare call http old. Its still alive and kicking and SOA is kinda too big word to use for little enterprise mashups or connecting a system or two. And talking of SOA it'd still need HTTP/S at the end of the day.

And whatever socks have to offer can be done with WCF, its just a framework the underlying stuff will still be over sockets anyways.

I mean to say by origin http(s) is old after http 1.1 i don't remember any news ... anyway it's not going anywhere soon :)

WCF offers whatever sockets gives ... but with overhead ... especially when communication is very frequent this may create serious issue.

Raw socket programming is mostly recommanded when it comes to create our very own protocol

Of course ... this is just discussion ... here I don't know what aadish is going to do with it ... btw where he has gone ??
Hehe acatually. He should be the one clarifying his needs.

Typical IT :D two idiots blabbering over technology when the actual requirements are nowhere to be seen. :p
Hey sorry was outta net access..Actually we r trying to design a game using VC#. Its a card game wherin theres a requirement for clients(connected to a server) to communicate with each other without server interference..I was just surfin and came up wid sockets as answer..Now reesearchin on WCF ...THX a ton 4 help...Though i WILL hv dbts over WCF..Keep in touch..
Adish, If its that simlpe a requirement stick to a plain simple asynchronous WCF web service. You can make it OneWay thereby avoiding the server interference. If possible post a timing/sequence diagram showing interaction withing your client/server components. It'd be easier to make choice that way. :)
PS: Quit the SMS lingo right away.