Is there a way I can slow/underclock my QuadCore down when not required ?
i.e. in the day I do video converting but at night I want it to do plain downloads. I searched on google, but it throws up SpeedFan, which doesn't really solve the purpose.
Is there a way I can slow/underclock my QuadCore down when not required ?
i.e. in the day I do video converting but at night I want it to do plain downloads. I searched on google, but it throws up SpeedFan, which doesn't really solve the purpose.
see first identify your primary requirement - what will under clock achieve for you? I think you may look at undervolting also. The BE of the AMDs can be underclocked and undervolted to a great extent. i use k10stat (for AMD phenom based processors) for my AMD 7750 and underclock it to 500 Mhza and undervolted to 0.8 when playing H264 files via dxva. Similarly I use RMclock for my k8 based AMD 64 venice (in download rig to underclock to 800 Mhz at 1.1 v at most times during download etc.
You can enable CnQ from your bios - your proccy will underclock automatically when idle.
If C1E and Eist are enabled in BIOS and power saver/balanced is enabled in vista/7, your CPU's should underclock and under vold automatically. You actually don't need a different s/w for that.