Software OC'ing??

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The only mistake while taking my rig was .... i forgot to spicify the keyword "Nforce based" mobo ... & ended up getting a MSI K8mmV with a VIA chipset....
There are no problems whatsoever....with regular usage...but the only lack is the ability to OC the processor.....:ashamed:
The bios lacks the options to OC .... so is there any Windows software to OC which is independent of the MOBO used....
i have OCed my GPU..& rest is all ok....i want to OC my processor...someone please help...i hope changing the mobo is not the only option...:(
I think it is there..... but it is HIGHLY NOT RECOMMENDED.....

The best way to oc is through BIOS. Sell away youyr mobo and buy a new one......... if you can i.e ...... It will be worth it
ICS 950403 --> PLL no

i now have another problem...the settings are not getting saved :(...
everytime i restart the computer....i have to di it all again!!! help :huh: :(
Q: How can I save the new clocks and apply them at startup ?
A: This new version of ClockGen does not support this feature yet. As soon as the program will be tested in a wide range and most problems will be fixed, a save feature will be added.
nerver noticed this....thanks..:D
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