Mac OS Softwares on MAC OS X 10.6.8


Guys am fairly noob in this sphere of the OS :p . So would like to get help on the necessary softwares like IRC chat app. , torrent client and rest tools for eye candies :p .

Your screenshot in the OSX Desktop thread shows that you've already installed uTorrent, so I'm guessing you don't need a torrent app anymore. Although if you did, i would suggest Transmission.

For your IRC needs, you can either go with Adium (with the added benefit of connecting to msn/google talk/yahoo/insert chat service here) or, as a standalone client you can use Limechat, or Colloquy (which is rather dated, so don't know if its compatible anymore)

For eyecandy, use geektool, and then google the numerous hackintosh/mac sites for geektool scripts that you can use. Also, Candybar, for changing icons and the dock, and Bowtie, which is a really neat addon for iTunes.
For apps I use

1) Caffeine - To keep mac from going to sleep when I am working

2) Nimbuzz - Chat client

3) Dropbox

4) Evernote - For taking class notes

5) utorrent

6) xbmc for video playback

7) dragonframe for stop motion videos

8) skype

9) cleangenius pro

10) Geektool to customize the desktop