some new stuff


came back from sg yesterday. got some new stuff.

here is the screen. will post more pics later.

here is some other equipment that i got. left to right (surfX optimizer for mouse surface, mouse bungee, 1 ramsink that i got for free, barracuda juggernaut mousepad, barracuda lite mousepad, surfX2 mousefeet, xtremegrip mousegrip aqua control & ripped countour)

& here is the x2 3800 (purchased from india)

awesum bittu!! rockin monitor n now X2!!!! Congrats.. n yeah waitin for reviews else ill come to ur place n do the reviews myself!! :D
Good to know this is the 4th lcd monitor to be bought , inspired by my original purchase.;)

Stormy, what are the stuff in the second pics for ?? all that mouse pad stuff.....
cyrux said:
Did you pay for the customs ?
no cyrux dint have any problem with the customs. they stopped me asked me the price & then i showed them the bill. you are allowed to bring 25000rs worth of electronics without being charged customs.

deejay said:
Good to know this is the 4th lcd monitor to be bought , inspired by my original purchase.;)

Stormy, what are the stuff in the second pics for ?? all that mouse pad stuff.....
i have mentioned what all is there in the second pic deejay. here u go. left to right (surfX optimizer for mouse surface, mouse bungee, 1 ramsink that i got for free, barracuda juggernaut mousepad, barracuda lite mousepad, surfX2 mousefeet, xtremegrip mousegrip aqua control & ripped countour)

the grips are for the mouse & the keyboard. bungee is for the mousewire. surfx optimizer is some cleaner for mousepads, mousefeet is again for the mouse when the feet are scratched, juggernaut & lite are mousepads & i am sure u know what the ramsink is for deejay :D
stormblast said:
no cyrux dint have any problem with the customs. they stopped me asked me the price & then i showed them the bill. you are allowed to bring 25000rs worth of electronics without being charged customs.
i have mentioned what all is there in the second pic deejay. here u go. left to right (surfX optimizer for mouse surface, mouse bungee, 1 ramsink that i got for free, barracuda juggernaut mousepad, barracuda lite mousepad, surfX2 mousefeet, xtremegrip mousegrip aqua control & ripped countour)

the grips are for the mouse & the keyboard. bungee is for the mousewire. surfx optimizer is some cleaner for mousepads, mousefeet is again for the mouse when the feet are scratched, juggernaut & lite are mousepads & i am sure u know what the ramsink is for deejay :D

omg all this just for the mouse .....:clap:
i just use my saliva to clean the teflon coated mouse feet of my MS wheel mouse optical and to clean the mousepad i just overturn it and whack it a few times. (mouse pad given by you :D ....) and it is good as new.
deejay said:
omg all this just for the mouse .....:clap:
i just use my saliva to clean the teflon coated mouse feet of my MS wheel mouse optical and to clean the mousepad i just overturn it and whack it a few times. (mouse pad given by you :D ....) and it is good as new.

i got all that stuff deejay as i got them really really cheap. around 5 times less than their actual value. hehe. only paid full value for the mousepads.
here is the pic of the screen with barracuda juggernaut mousepad. pic quality aint that great.
which k/b is that stormy ?? matches well with the two tone colour of the monitor.
and where is the "barracuda juggernaut mousepad" ?? the pic is too dark for me to recognise it.
deejay said:
which k/b is that stormy ?? matches well with the two tone colour of the monitor.
and where is the "barracuda juggernaut mousepad" ?? the pic is too dark for me to recognise it.

its some hp keyboard. black n white. local purchase.

mousepad is the whole black thing on the table. its 3feet long. lol. has barrcuda juggernaut written on the sides in yellow