Something mysterious is orbiting earth : Nasa !!

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Mystery Object Orbits Earth


Something odd is circling our planet. It's small, perhaps only 60-ft long, and rotates once every minute or so. Amateur astronomer Bill Yeung first spotted the 16th magnitude speck of light on Sept. 3rd in the constellation Pisces. He named it J002E3.

Automated asteroid surveys scan the skies every few weeks, yet there was no sign of Yeung's object earlier this year. "It must have entered Earth orbit recently," says Paul Chodas of NASA's Near-Earth Object Program at JPL. "But it doesn't match any recently-launched spacecraft."

In other words, it's a mystery.

Could it be an alien spaceship? "If it is," says Chodas, "the aliens aren't good pilots. J002E3 is in a chaotic orbit. It loops around Earth once every 48 days or so, coming as close to our planet as the Moon and ranging as far away as two lunar distances." There's no evidence that the speck is moving under its own power. The orbit is constantly changing because of gravitational perturbations by the Sun and Moon.

At first Yeung and others thought J002E3 might be a small asteroid--a reasonable guess. The object is as bright as a 30m-wide space rock and it's moving about as fast as an asteroid should move. Mars and Jupiter have captured asteroid moons before; perhaps Earth had done the same.

It was a good idea, except for the paint.

That's what University of Arizona astronomers found on Sept. 12th when they measured the spectrum of sunlight reflected from J002E3. "The colors were consistent with ... white titanium dioxide paint--the type of paint NASA used on Apollo moon rockets 30 years ago," says Carl Hergenrother, who conducted the study with colleague Robert Whiteley.

So, J002E3 might be a spacecraft after all--an old one from Earth. Where has it been all these years?

"Orbiting the Sun," answers Chodas. "I've traced the motion of J002E3 backwards in time to find out where it's been," he explains. Apparently, J002E3 left Earth in 1971, went around the Sun 30 or so times, and came back again. Chodas, a expert in planetary motion who has seen plenty of complicated orbits, says "I've never seen anything like this."

At first glance, J002E3 would seem to be from Apollo 14. That mission began in January of 1971, and according to Chodas' calculations J002E3 broke out of Earth orbit in March of the same year. There's a problem, though: NASA has accounted for all the big pieces of the Apollo 14 spacecraft. None are missing.

Chodas inventories the mission: On Jan. 31, 1971, a Saturn V rocket blasted off from Florida with Al Shepard, Ed Mitchell and Stuart Roosa inside. Two stages of the rocket fell back to Earth when they exhausted their fuel. A third stage, the S-IVB fuel tank and rocket engine, which propelled the crew from Earth-orbit toward the Moon, was likewise discarded. The S-IVB, however, did not fall back to Earth; it hit the Moon. Ground controllers guided it there on purpose to provide an impact for lunar seismic monitoring stations. The lunar module Antares was also deliberately crashed--more data for the seismic network. The command module Kitty Hawk returned the crew to Earth.

J002E3 couldn't be any of those things. "There is an outside chance that it might be one of the Spacecraft-Lunar Module Adapter (SLA) panels," adds Chodas, "although J002E3 appears to be too bright for one of those."

The Apollo 12 Saturn V rocket awaits launch in 1969.


Another possibility is that J002E3 is an S-IVB from Apollo 12. Unlike Apollo 14, Apollo 12's S-IVB did not crash into the Moon. The crew jettisoned it on Nov. 15, 1969, when it was nearly out of fuel. Once the astronauts were safely away, ground controllers ignited the S-IVB's engine. They meant to send the 60-ft-long tank into a Sun-centered orbit, but something went wrong; the burn lasted too long. Instead of circling the Sun, the S-IVB entered a barely-stable orbit around the Earth and Moon "much like the current orbit of J002E3," notes Chodas.

Eventually, the Apollo 12 S-IVB vanished--no one knows when. Perhaps gravitational tugs from the Sun and Moon accumulated until they nudged the engine away from Earth in 1971. In this scenario, it would have circled the Sun for 31 years until it was re-captured by Earth's gravity in 2002.

"It's plausible," says Chodas, "but still speculative."

Whatever J002E3 is, it's taking a fantastic journey through the solar system--and it's not done yet. Chodas' calculations indicate that J002E3 will leave Earth again in June 2003 to resume its orbit around the Sun. "Thirty years from now," he notes, "it might come back again."

If it does, perhaps it will be greeted by human explorers on regular "milk runs" between the Earth and Moon. They might detour briefly and discover, once and for all, what J002E3 really is: a historical attraction, maybe, or something wholly unexpected....

For now the best we can do is watch J002E3 from afar--an unresolved speck of light easily detected by 8" to 10" telescopes with CCD cameras. This week J002E3 is gliding through the constellation Taurus. Where will it go next? Find out by visiting JPL's Near-Earth Object Program web site, which offers a helpful ephemeris for observers. J002E3 won't be here long, so catch it while you can!

^^Even if its old, its an interesting read nevertheless :D And the biggest thing is that the object is still there.

dont know what it is, but it looks like an alien space train ;)
I wish it was an Alien Ship :(.

I long for Contact with aliens. I know for sure, that we are NOT alone in the universe.
Guess its the third rock from the sun and anyway there has been lot of such sightings in the past and none of them have an explanation, so its good to have lot of such mysteries around us to be able to wonder about it ;)
EnigmatriX said:
Guess its the third rock from the sun and anyway there has been lot of such sightings in the past and none of them have an explanation, so its good to have lot of such mysteries around us to be able to wonder about it ;)

Only thing is that this time it has been offically acknowledged by NASA..
Nasa has always dismissed ufo sightings in the past..Its quite possible that it may not be an alien space ship after all and like nasa says, part of a rocket which was discarded in the space after successful completion of the rocket stage..
the only thing is that it still had some fuel left in it and in the process of putting it in an orbit around the sun, it acquired a wierd orbit around the moon and earth.

Atleast that's what Nasa says..we all know, they have a history of covering up UFO sightings..we cant say anything for sure..:hap5:
Hacker said:
wtf, we have telescopes that can see many light years away, n this object is right next to our earth. Why doesnt nasa point their scopes on this object n see in detail.

Actually there are a few reasons behind it.. On the very page in which this mysterious object was reported the editor gives a clarification at the end of the report..

Editor's note #2: Could the Hubble Space Telescope take a picture of J002E3 and see what it is? No. With its 2.4 meter diameter mirror, the smallest object that the Hubble can resolve at the Moon's distance is about 80 meters across. J002E3 is no larger than about 30 meters if it is an asteroid or 20 meters if it is an S-IVB--too small for Hubble.

Also it was speculated that the object might collide with the moon..but it didnt happen and the object continues to follow its unusual orbit..

Chodas noted that J002E3 might hit the Moon in 2003. The odds he estimated were 20%--a figure which was widely reported. The odds have since declined. His latest calculations indicate that J002E3 has less than a 1% chance of hitting the Moon before June 2003, and no chance of hitting Earth. Even if J002E3 did hit Earth, notes Chodas, it wouldn't reach our planet's surface. "The object would completely disintegrate in the atmosphere as a beautiful fireball." Regarding the possibility of a lunar impact, University of Arizona professor Jay Melosh explains that J002E3 is not traveling fast enough to create a bright fireball if it hits the lunar surface. "More likely," he says, "the impact would produce a glowing infra-red cloud like the one astronomers observed when the Japanese Hiten spacecraft hit the Moon in 1993."
i must say astrophysics really interesting .. and goldie i agree with you i also long to meet em well even i have met with some of em i kno noi one is gonna believe me but wateva.
dude long story one thing u kno for sure i aint a normal person.
u know tht day tht meteor stuff i actually forgot have to look in my diary.
me and my dad got up on the roof got a matress and some junk food and were just lying around and watching the stars and stuffs basically it was the shower of meteors.i was amazed maybe i was halucinated.after quote long time i was feeling real hot its like warm wind is blowing i saw a yellow ling as in the form of a saber of the game starwars came in and heard some voices i remembered upto tht i have 2 look in diary i immediately went to sleep woke u next day.if u dont believe me ask my dad.
but somehow it changed my life drastically i was the last boy in my class from tht year i became the first boy and stuffs changed .. i dunno its so weird u never know whats the actla matter is but yea triangulating place time and person if you believe whats a change in dimentsion can bring some effect in the "not under control" lobe of our brain i .. passed through that stage which changed my life to somehow for sure.
dunno dude.. but somethin surely happened :) but yea not koi mil geyas effect iguess hell i have forgot to watch tht film juss heard :bleh:
Lol ^^.

Man, thats some intense shit.

I wish i was in your place :S. Maybe id have got 90% and impressed my mum and dad. :(.

Damn. Lol.

Anyways... Its pretty believable :/. I know this shit has happened to a lot of people. And i respect that they share it. Normally people call that person crazy or mad. But i look at it differently :hap2:...

Hope i cant meet em soon :ashamed:
Dude x86,

Please please leanr to use some punctuation marks, capital letters, etc.....

Learn to write in paragraphs.

What is the use of you being at the top of your class if no one can understand what you have typed??

Reading your posts is more difficult than a PHD in astrophysics.
goldenfrag said:
Lol ^^.

Man, thats some intense shit.
I wish i was in your place :S. Maybe id have got 90% and impressed my mum and dad. :(.
Damn. Lol.

Anyways... Its pretty believable :/. I know this shit has happened to a lot of people. And i respect that they share it. Normally people call that person crazy or mad. But i look at it differently :hap2:...
Hope i cant meet em soon :ashamed:

yea.. i know hehe btw u were so close some ppls in my school basically calls me mad.
i just dont clean my rom once every 6 months doesnt means i am mad :@ :@ :@ those pls r dumb :P

and nikhil sry yaar type karte karte thak geya tha ..i just kept on typing anyways will be verbose in my typing from now on and thanks for pointing this out. :)
nmap x86 -v -v -sS "all fingers in hand" :ohyeah:
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