PC Peripherals Something wrong with my Logitech wireless keyboard

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First - I'm on linux mint exclusively from years. There is no windows os in my house. This bit of information is for getting faster to the solution else people will ask me to change ports or reinstall drivers, which is a good troubleshooting method for windows os.

So what's wrong with my Logitech wireless keyboard? It's giving unwanted ghost key presses to the system. It is typing [^C [^Q [ repeatedly at 25-30 presses per second. This is happening even in Kodi startup screen when you see the logo. Opening terminal - all these 10 to 15 same characters. Click on any file using up/down arrows and the rename dialog box opens up or the file explorer wants me to rename the file.

Batteries are brand new Duracell AAA. Back of the keyboard says K220. It came with a mouse which died months back. Anyone knows what's wrong with this thing? Should I throw it and get a wired keyboard? Thing is driving me nuts.
Most likely something is wrong with the keyboard PCB of that membrane thingy which has traces.

Did you try testing the keyboard on some other system? If the behaviour is same there also, then the fault is in keyboard itself.

You can try placing it in direct sunlight for 1-2 hours (or more, dunno) so that it removes any moisture in the keyboard if present. See if thay fixes it, otherwise I don't think it will be worth getting it repaired.
Seems like some key is stuck. You can try the following:
- Plug the keyboard to your Android phone/TV (if you have one) using OTG and check if the behavior happens there as well
- remove the troublesome keys physically and blow away any dust, use IPA to clean if possible
- See if there's rust near battery contacts. This can also cause erratic behaviour sometimes.

If none of this works, check if warranty is available and if you have the time to take it to the service center. Most of my Keyboard/mice stop functioning within warranty, but I never take them to the service center as it's time consuming and not worth the effort. I just buy a new one.
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Try blowing air forcefully in and around the keys, especially the arrow keys which those special characters seem to be, IINM.

If the keys can be pulled out and reattached then do that too while cleaning.
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