Something wrong with processes?



That's the screen shot i just took of the processes running,as you can see there is 7 svchost running,is that necessary?

Is there anything i should disable,recommendations?

Thanks for your help in advance!!!
Open the command prompt and run this command. It will tell you what is in each svchost.exe.
tasklist /svc

also do a blaster virus check,coz its effects the svchost operation.
As for viruses/worms there are none,btw bosky i did that commant but nothing comes up :S.
Anyways if it's normal,then i can sleep well,i wanna add 1GB to my existing 1GB,then i wont care about all those processes running.

Thanks Bosky & saumilsingh for the help! much apprecited mate's :hap2:
Thanks for the reply mate,which one is better to use in your opnion from the above you mentioned?

Since we are talking about processes,& i believe you use Fx too,how is your Fx memory,do you have it configured?how many KB/MB you get with 1 tab open or more?