Something wrong with Youtube premium Service

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I've been paying the monthly subscription for Premium service and this month after payment was done it went back to non-premium service. Tweeted Youtube and they have not responded yet and like me there are many who have tweeted and seems like there is some issue at their end. How do we reach their support? Their help centre just has a set of question and answer format which is useless. Anyone also facing similar problem?
i had similar issue. I ended my membership and started a new one on a different account. Google support is useless
They probably want you to pay some more for their paid support. PS, it's not that great. Nowhere close to, say Amazon. Closer to the support that the internal IT team at my el cheapo Indian employer gives me
It was a bug at their end and I got a reply from their twitter handle after two days. The amount got refunded and I was able to make payment again. Probably they have only bots at their customer service.
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They do have humans - which I got when I coughed up for a Google one subscription , but even the human service desk is crap, mostly because of the way it's structured. For issues which cover multiple products, you will get passed around in multiple service queues, with each team saying check with the other team, when it's probably an integration issue, and nobody will take ownership.
I've been paying the monthly subscription for Premium service and this month after payment was done it went back to non-premium service. Tweeted Youtube and they have not responded yet and like me there are many who have tweeted and seems like there is some issue at their end. How do we reach their support? Their help centre just has a set of question and answer format which is useless. Anyone also facing similar problem?
Chat with them. It takes some patience and sometimes escalating issue to supervisors but they get it done in few hours to few days depending on the issue.
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