Sonia Gandhi - Past, Present & Future - True or False

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Just today i come across at rediff and find detail story blog about Ms.Sonia

Gandhi is it True or False?:S

from blog said:
Nowadays, Sonia is quite unabashed in having political alliance with those who praise Rajiv Gandhi’s killers. No Indian widow would ever do that. My investigations into Sonia’s involvement in Rajiv’s assassination is therefore still on. I am also author of a best seller titled Assassination Of Rajiv Gandhi,Unasked Questions and Unanswered Queries [published by Konark in 2000] in which I have given some indications.

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Of course it's true! The entire Nehru-Khan-Gandhi-Maino-Roberto clan should either be put down, or sent into exile. I wonder how they managed to keep ruling over people in this "democratic" country.
if its true, then sonia becomes something like a silent serial killer :P but its kind of hard to believe.. there are quite a lot of sonia haters and conspiracy theories will always pop up, hell people even said man never went to the moon :P
hehe.... interesting read.

But honestly, the claims are really far fetched. I would like to see proof before making up my mind.
shrey said:
if its true, then sonia becomes something like a silent serial killer :P but its kind of hard to believe.. there are quite a lot of sonia haters and conspiracy theories will always pop up, hell people even said man never went to the moon :P
And what are you - a Sonia lover? :rofl:

BTW, I seriously think that Sonia and her clan are dangerous for this country.
Yamaraj said:
And what are you - a Sonia lover? :rofl:

Hey if you thought shrey was a Sonia lover, you have got to check out the guy in my avatar - this was when he met Sonia .. *sigh* fanboys! :huh:
I don't believe in politicians, they all have have their own agendas behind every word they say. that blog read like a great conspiracy theory to me, too imaginative but very well done. But I believe at least some part of it about Sonia's previous life is true, but she is more like an idiot trying to cash in on her current position in the country. She thinks she is clever, but she should watch out. one of these days some parties she is pissing off might just decide to take a hatchet to her. :rofl:

As for the moon landing conspiracy theory...

First of all, I always thought the moon landing was a hoax even before all these theories came around. I had always thought that are things fishy about those photos and other footage. They simply don't fit. Moon should have had massive amounts of fine dust on the surface and surrounding it and the definition of massive here is not a few inches. There were other similar features in those photos which will not fit ones imagination of the moon (derived from scientific facts). The astronauts suits is another example. What material was that made up of? With the modern day materials science advancements, the current days astro suits are composed of the lightest and strongest materials like carbon fiber and alloys and still those are really bulky even to look at. what should the the late 60's astro suit look like. The one in the moon landing photos does not fit ones imagination at all. :no:
Kumar said:
The moon landings were done in the heat of the cold war when there was break neck competetion with USSR.

rather I believe that the hoax was done in the heat of the cold war with USSR. During that time USSR had a fairly successful space program and the US had to retaliate in order to keep the balance, what better way than claiming a moon landing. I would also say that the hoax was done in a rushed manner without very careful planning. US did the only thing that they can do best, hush up and cover up the entire affair in an efficient manner.
i wd like to req ppl like kumar and Pvt Ryan not to spoil the thread wid their OT talks .. discuss the space theories where it is suitable ..
:P i'm no sonia lover and i'm no sonia hater :P

me would like to clarify my neutrality when it comes to the gandhi family and indian politics :P if investigations were to be done on each and every indian politician , startling stuff would pop up, so it doesn't really matter who comes to power all of em are filthy corrupt bas#$@s anyway :P

with regard to the moon landings (last post on it), if the USSR had even a shade of doubt that the landings were fake they would've exposed it to the whole world. like the KGB didn't have brains to figure out a fake landing :bleh: the fact that they didn't proves that man went to the moon :D ...
spacescreamer said:
i wd like to req ppl like kumar and Pvt Ryan not to spoil the thread wid their OT talks .. discuss the space theories where it is suitable ..

Lol..blame shrey for starting it all..:P :bleh: Shrey..just jkin..:)

Btw, Sonia or no Sonia, i think the political condition in our country is still not as poor as Pakistan's... and i am rather happy with this government than let it go back to the hooligans and hindu rashtra promoters, BJP again..they do not have any agenda..they simply keep amending it according to their needs... i myself am hindu but it really is sad how these ppl are milking this subject to gain political really..

Well as for Sonia, i dont think just because her family has such ex nazi supporters make her a fascist herself...afterall Arnold Schwarzenneger's father was a Nazi SS officer...but he has a very successful career as a republican and a governor of california... tht reason alone isnt enuf..

I personally dont like Sonia she is slowly trying to portray herself as a mahatma or something by giving up posts n campaigning rural areas and talkin about upliftment of the poor ....

I think like any other country, our president shudnt just be a sitting duck..he shud be granted more power than the PM...i think APJ cud run our country better than all these lame a$$e$...

If public was allowed to vote, think i wud vote for Naranyan Murthy for the post of President..he is the rit guy as the next president..i really pity ppl who think Amitabh Bachchan shud be the next president..get a life..:no:

Then he wud go on to say, bharat mein dum hain, kyunki jurm yahaan kam hai..:rofl:
Unless sonia gandhi AKA the alien was made a hon' member of LTTE right before rajiv's death,she prob. had nothing to do with his death.She ain't no killer, she's only a corrupt and incompetent italian who used her husband to steal money and share it with her BF Quattrocchi.BTW, what happened to the whole quattrocchi issue?? He was detained in latin america and there was talk of extradiction--then came india's world cup debacle and everybody forgets the whole issue.

Ganja Gandhi wasn't killed by sonia.He died as a result of his boneheaded decision to send troops to fight the eelam!!
arrow055 said:
Ganja Gandhi wasn't killed by sonia.He died as a result of his boneheaded decision to send troops to fight the eelam!!

^^ I'm not agree with you, we send Army to FREE Bangladesh by Indira Gandhi but none Bangladeshi killed her, we fought with China but they didn't use there power to Kill Shastriji, we had 2 war with Pakistan but none of Pakistani Kill any Big Indian Politician.

Sending Troops to Lank is not reason to Kill Rajiv but there is Other story - I don't know exactly but just can't digest what you said.

In Today's Scenario I think India no more REAL DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY, IN Pakistan Musharraf is General and in India all Politician and Mafias are General.

The one whom we trust Our President Mr.Kalam is no more willing to be President.

We need President Rule All Over India and President Should Be Mr.Kalam or Equivalent.
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