Sony PSP - How to change Keypad membrane?

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Mods : I am not sure if this is the right sub-form for PSP tech help. If this is not, pl move my post to correct forum.

I have a PSP slim & I want to change the Left & Right Keypad. I have already sourced the keypad membranes but am unable to find any guide to change the keypad membranes.
You tube & google only talks of opening the PSP but none on any servicing.

So if anyone can guide me on this topic with process & pictures or a video.. it will be great learning exp for me.

Thanks.. for Not responding...
I got some membranes from eBay USA & have been able to change the same wout any problems... Just used my own intelligence which was good enough for the job.

If anyone needs help, I can help now.
About PSP, it is like a new leypad now.

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