good one mate.... lmao... well not exactly.. but laughing all the same...
PS3 .. i say... PS3 is way exorbitantly priced...
PS3 .. i say... PS3 is way exorbitantly priced...
Keep in mind, sony did mention that the PS3 is more than just a game console, its also a 'computer' that may make people think twice about just the price of the console
For me no device is a computer unless and until it can run windows without any issues.I don't give a damn about linux.
I don't mind spending 34k or even 40 k for a console but what i cannot do is spend 2.5 - 3k for each titles that would barely last a week.
Where'd you get the fact that it'll barely last a week?
On the price point, they can't just sell the game at rs.800 and expect profits. A lot of investment goes into a development of a videogame, the budget nearly equals Hollywood B-movie budgets, for the investment to bloom into profits, they need to sell it at a high price.
I didn't mean that the game discs go kaput in a week's time.What i meant was i complete a game in about a week's time and after that it becomes useless(unless you can play online which MS currently doesn't support in india).
I am not asking them to sell the games everywhere around the world for Rs.800.I know they can't do that since they won't make a profit that way(like you said they speand a huge amount for making those games). That's why i said there should be different pricing schemes--one for developed countries like america and other for poor countries like india,china,africa,etc,etc. So they can still sell their games at ard. 60$$ in america,europe,japan and elsewhere in the developed world. And they should sell those same games for like Rs.800-1000 in developing countries like india.That way they will end up making more profits than they currently do. I mean if you price it at Rs.2600-3000 in countries like india, how many people do you think will buy those consoles or games?? The end result is weak console sales and widespread piracy. So they end up making far less profits than they should. On the other hand if they price it at rs.800 or so, they will make a profit since the sales will be much higher than what it currently is.Although profits won't be as huge as they make in developed nations, they will atleast be making some profit(after all a dvd only costs 10-20 bucks and even after you account for all the taxes imposed by the govt. you will still end up with a profit.) If you still disagree , tell me how much profit MS has managed to make in india selling games at that price point!!