Wow, Sony. Sixty. The golden years. (You're not going to retire any time soon, are you? No -- good.) How far you've come since May 7th 1946, when Masaru Ibuka, post-war engineering entrepreneur and gadget forefather established Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo (Totsuko) with Akio Morita, founding the company we now know and cherish (um, most of the time) as Sony. We've seen you go through a lot of changes over the years as you've started up and shut down lines of devices, won and lost format wars, taken on board content companies, and occasionally struggled for direction in the marketplace -- but even though we dish out a lot of tough love we know someday you'll understand. Happy birthday, Sony.
:hap2: HAPPY BIRHTDAY SONY !!!:hap2:
Source: Sony