Sony's PS3 critic wiped from the web

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Remember Josh Robinson, the Sony 3D artist who criticized the PlayStation 3 publicly after working with the dev kits for several months? Well, he trashed the system a lot more than you'd expect from somebody who collects a Sony paycheck, and now the site that posted his article has taken it down.

On the site's forums, the webmaster had this to say:
We removed the post for a reason. I can't go into it any more until I talk with the other members of DIF. When we clear things up, we'll post it again. =)

The sony employee has been brutually honest about the system and its shortcoming. You can chk out the google cache of the post]here[/url]

or check here
I won't say that about the man... Sony still hasn't been able to get proper dev kits. When you come out with a new processor, you need to provide compilers for it - good ones.

Intel learned this with the Itanium. I'm not saying that the compilers were responsible for its fate, but Intel took a big risk when they switched over to an entirely new level of dependence on compilers.
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