Audio Sound Quality of iPod Nano/Touch/Mini/Classic

+1 for Cowon

As far as i knw D2 and D2+ are exactly same apart from small changes in UI.
D2+ 4gb is for Rs. 5999/- ( PMP, COWON D2 PLUS 4GB ) add 8gb card(under Rs. 700) and you get 12gb.

SQ is great..battery playback is apprx. 48hrs in my player and with card 32hrs which is still higher the OP's 15hrs+ expectation..

Cowon SQ is better compared to any other player all thanks to BBE+ rest of the players are show off and less concentrated in SQ..

OP can get delivery nextday once he finalises..dealers are also keeping it in Delhi so he can pick that as well..

iaudio9 can also b an alternate if not so much for video..

I have heard fuze but not that gr8..
NikoBellick said:
Get Yourself iPod Nano 5G 8GB. I own it. It gives very good sound output eith creative ep630.

Amen to that!

It's portable, plays videos, holds enough music, has a video cam, plenty of 'show value' and a lovely UI ! What more do you need? ;)

Having owned the 1G nano and evaluated the ones in between, the 5G's SQ is pretty darn good, comparatively. Good set of earphones and you are good to go!
I again say big nono to D2+ ...

Get the D2 somehow for a much cheaper price...and if your really want to see if the D2+ is worth it... then just install the D2+ firmware on it...

There are tons of guides to do this...The Hardware is exactly the same..

You can always comeback to the stock D2 firmware if you dont like the D2+ f/w ... but your gonna be stuck if you buy the D2+
Well, things here got pretty haywire after FaH33m's last reply. I think i would now like to go for Fuze/iPod Nano 5G but i have 2 problems.

1)I prefer WARMER sound compared to BRIGHTER. By brightness i understand sharpness/harshness. I dont like music that pierce my ear. Is the Brightness in Fuze too much?

2)How to buy Fuze? I contacted KMD & he says it will take about 2 weeks for delivery. Cant i get it somehow in 4days (by saturday)?

3)Why is iPod nano 5G = 8000/- while Fuze=4000/-? Does it still make sense to pay double amount for iPod nano?
^ The Fuze is no way brighter. Where did you get that from. Cause if Fuze sounds bright to someone than an ipod would sound the literally sharp and brightest to him :p.

The Sansa Clip+ and Fuze both are one of the most neutral and detailed PMPs . The clip+ infact has almost a ruler flat frequency response. Check this out .


The Fuze also sounds 80-90% identical to the Clip+ but it has more micro detailing and very slightly more depth/wideness to the soundstage which you will notice only if you are using a high-end IEM/headphone. Also the Fuze does sound very slightly warmer compare the Clip+ but not bright ;).

Infact the ipods do sound little bright , one won't realize how bright it sounds until they have compared it to an ipods line out signal.

If SQ is a deciding factor between the Fuze and an ipod Nano , then Fuze it is. But if one needs a more polished UI ,show-off factor (The Fuze looks quite good as well but then Apple is ),camera etc than the Ipod maybe a better buy.Also I find the iPod to be have a lot better build quality and finish compared the Fuze. Build Quality is one department where Apple never compromises.

What makes Fuze most VFM is microSD card support for expandable memory , its ability to play FLACs and other formats not supported by the ipod . Also there are no hassles of setting up Itunes or not able to add music from another PC etc.
srry to burge in amongst experts but........according to his needs he can also go for an bias to this player is justified because i own them and simply love them even though i am stuck with stock earphones(getting a re2 shortly).tried them with a friends pl30s.was blown away.i have never tried a clip+ but my friend does own a fuze which he got from u.k.n even he was impressed with the iaudio7s sound.infact he ordered one too from liplap systems(cowon india distributors).

p.s did i mention the iaudio7 gives 45-50 hours playtime(tested personally)................charge it and forget it for 3-4 days. :p
u really listen to that much music?

jit_devil2 said:
srry to burge in amongst experts but........according to his needs he can also go for an bias to this player is justified because i own them and simply love them even though i am stuck with stock earphones(getting a re2 shortly).tried them with a friends pl30s.was blown away.i have never tried a clip+ but my friend does own a fuze which he got from u.k.n even he was impressed with the iaudio7s sound.infact he ordered one too from liplap systems(cowon india distributors).
p.s did i mention the iaudio7 gives 45-50 hours playtime(tested personally)................charge it and forget it for 3-4 days. :p
10+ hours aramse..............:eek:hyeah:

actually am studying journalism and have to write a lot and music helps me with not a genre freak i listen to everything from classical piano,modern instrumentals to death never run out of stuff to listen to.