Audio SoundMagic E10 Left earpiece went dead


Hi ,
I bought these earbuds from HomeShop18 last yaer in september. They came with 1 year manufacturer warranty. Now the left earpiece is not working. I don't know how that happened as I use them with care. No sound is coming even if I try to move the jack or wires around.

How can I make use of the warranty as I don't think they even have a customer care center here in India. Please advice.

After searching on internet, I found that many people are complaining on the left earpiece issue.
Also soundmagic website states that I should contact the place where I bought if from. I have started a query on HS18, lets see what happens. Any other advice will be appreciated.
The name of importer is Acro Engineering company. Their email address is mentioned. I will try sending them an email. Thanks.
The name of importer is Acro Engineering company. Their email address is mentioned. I will try sending them an email. Thanks.
Go to their website, go to contact us section they have branches all over India.. Call them up,, will be much faster than sending an email...