Audio Speakers needed


I have a budget of 3K, I need 2.1 speakers, i was thinking on ATP3 or Z2300, what do the guru's suggest. pls help. thanks in advance
U gonna get one reply only..

Atp3 only ... u can open this thread after a day or week .. Atp3 wd be having abt 98% votes..

Get those speakers.. worth the money and u ll never regret ur choice too ..
Logies Z2300 are in a different league than ATP3s. The Z2300 has got a 100 watt sub... if you are looking at 8k budget go for logies, else go for the ATP3s they are great VFM for around 2.5k!
techcheat said:
Logies Z2300 are in a different league than ATP3s. The Z2300 has got a 100 watt sub... if you are looking at 8k budget go for logies, else go for the ATP3s they are great VFM for around 2.5k!

if you have an 8K budget, the Altec Lansing MX5021 is the best.... nothing comes close.
and we all recommend the ATP3 which is below 3k. I wouldnt even bother asking again , given the overwhelming support for the ATP3 :p
+1 for ATP3, available for 2.6k including VAT at Oasis Network here in Chennai

I am also planning for it, (I had MX5021, has given to my borther :'( , he was actually asking for my ipod nano)