PC Peripherals Speakers with HDMI in!!


First of all thanks for helping me build my dream config.
Now i'm in search of good speakers(either 5.1ch or2.1ch) with HDMI input.
My brand preference is Creative.

Suggestions and comments are welcome and very much required.

I have no clue about other brands,my maximum budget is 3.5k.
Please help!:)
I need the speakers to be extra durable and long lasting.
I'm from Chennai and it'll be mostly bought from Richie st. Please do mention the price(shop name also if possible:)) and a good way for testing the speakers.

Thanks in advance.
None. Not remotely in that budget.

Seems like you are looking for speakers that accept digital inputs - seek those with optical (toslink) or coaxial inputs over HDMI. Apart from HTiB systems, no speaker system comes with an HDMI input.