PC Peripherals Speakers


Need 5.1 speaker system and dvd player to connect to my tv.

Budget between 15000-22000.

Any suggestions??

I also have the Altec Lansing mx 5021. Shall i make use of that with a 2.1 channel dvd player (which i will need to buy) or shall i buy a 5.1 channel player and some 5.1 channel speakers??

Plz let me know along with approx prices in Mumbai city.
even though the MX-5021 is a great 2.1 system,for watching DVD's a 5.1 system will take the experience to a whole new level.:hap2:
so get a DVD player WITH AN IN-BUILT DOLBY DECODER and 5.1 speakers(u even get 5.1 systems with their own decoders) or get one of those 'home theatre in a box' types from Philips or Sony that fit ur budget.
Well frankly speaking after listening to that mx5021, sony or philips will suck. Look for sonodyne which is arnd 30K for a receiver + 5.1 set or the wharfedale moviestar thats arnd 30k for speakers and say another 15k for a yamaha receiver.

Edit: If you are interested in my floorstanders for the fronts (IMHO the most important part of an HT), lemme know. We can work out a deal.
i know that MX-5021 is brilliant,and neither philips nor sony 5.1 will be able to match it in quality at a budget of 22k,but a 5.1 experience in movies is a totally awesome. and since his budget is only 22k,he doesnt hv much of an option.
Am never gonna sell my MX 5021. They are my PC speakers and are awesome.

Abt my budget of 22k... i thought it was a decent sum. I can increase it ONLY if i get some real quality stuff AND the additional money i pay gets me something with a significant, visible difference in output.

Won't i get some JBLs in the same price from the grey mkt??

Mumbai : The Sonodyne Listening Room
Atria Millenium Mall, Worli, Mumbai
3rd Floor
Telephone : +91 22 24813312
Telephone Office: +91 22 28353024
Mobile: 9821516338
Sonodyne Listening Room

Edit: While you are at it, do check out the Sonus 2605 as well.
^^ Sony and great quality audio :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Edit: Unless you are buying a 3000$ Qualia 010, don't expect great quality audio from sony :p
i think he was talking of your reply 'i am never gonna sell my MX5021,they are great PC speakers'.....anyway,thats my guess.
@Chaos .. Abt the Sonodyne. I really don't trust Indian brands where Sound quality is concerned. Though TELOME is one exception. Most hotels have Telome systems installed and they sound awesome. I shall be visiting a Telome showroom near my place.

My question still remains unanswered.. Won't I get some JBLs under 25k from the grey mkt?? 5.1 haan.

No Altec Lansing suggestions for 5.1??? Leave the 251s and 3151R. They are just abt 6 k and will be too less for my hall which is pretty decently sized.

Budget upped to 25k. Plz have some suggestions at this budget.

Whats an amplifier??? Why do i need it if i buy a DVD player separately?? Plz let me know.
well,an amplifier is needed if:
1>ur speakers are NOT 'active'.....which basically means that if they dont need to be plugged into an electric socket,they need an amplifier.(eg.computer speakers or speakers that can be used with iPods are active speakers)
2>ur DVD player doesnt hv an in-built multi-channel amplifier(which it most probably wont).

here's where u face a problem.....i dont think u get multichannel amplifiers,which means u will hv to get an AV receiver...good ones cost 20k.
so best would be to get good 5.1 active speakers(any 5.1 computer speakers will do provided they hv the correct plug to connect them to ur DVD player+the normal 3.5mm plug to connect to a comp or iPod) and a DVD player with in-built Dolby Decoder.....or get one of those 'home theatre in a box' sets from Philips or Sony.
I am against the home theater systems from Sony or Philips or Pioneer. have used a Pioneer vs 100 dvd home theater system for last 7 years. Spent 35k when i bought it. But to be very honest the MX 5021 sound clarity beats it hollow.

Thats why i thought i will buy speakers separately.

Have been longing for the 5.1 version of the MX 5021 to be launched. Almost 1.5 years back they said they would launch the HMX-7051 and i had decided i'd buy that coz it had an approx cost of 25k which fell within my budget. But now they've scrapped that plan.

Out of frustration now i might just buy one more MX 5021 for 9000 and a Philips DVD player for 3300 and be happy with my expense of 12300/-

What say??
as i said before,a 2.1 cant compare with a 5.1 while watching DVD's.
unfortunately for you,you have got used to the brilliance of the MX-5021.
but,do look around.....u get pretty good 5.1 sets from Logitech and Creative priced around 20k,which would probably be their flagship models in India.
btw,hv u actually heard any Sony or Philips home theatre systems yourself?