Speeding up ur IEs

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Speed Up Internet Explorer
This procedure works for both Internet Explorer 4 ,5,6. It works because Internet Explorer is designed to comply with HyperText Protocol v1.1. This means that a browser only draws no more than 2 streams from a web server at any given time. You have now increased it to 10 streams because your web browser is capable of using more and making your browsing experience in general much quicker. Also allows more download threads!!!
Run RegEdit:

Now if you look at your registry you will see the huge list of folders down the left hand side. Now what you need to do is select the following in the correct order:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft>Windows>CurrentVersion>Internet Settings

Once you have selected the correct sequence, the following selections and changes are the most important.

Within the right hand window of RegEdit you will see there are two strings named MaxConnectionsPerServer and MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server if these are not there then see below. And most tips suggest setting both of these values to 10 ( hex, or 16 decimal) Click on the first one, MaxConnectionsPerServer and then with the right mouse button click your right mouse button and then select Modify. A window will pop up at this point and you need to change the Value data to 10. Make sure at this point that Decimal is selected to the right. Now, Click ok and do exactly the same for the other registry entry called MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server.

If you find that 1 or both of these registry entries are no in your registry, then you will have to add them manually. To do this you need to move your mouse over to some white space in the right hand side of the registry editor. Right click and select the new option and then select DWORD Value. Now enter MaxConnectionsPerServer as the string name and then press the return key. Now repeat this process for MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server as the string name. Now modify these entries using the procedure above.

Once you are happy that everything has been done. Quit regedit and away you go. There is no need to reboot. If you fire up Internet Explorer you should notice a speed improvement when browsing the Internet.

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