Spice Mi-310 Market Access

Friend got a Spice Mi-310 and noticed that lot of the popular apps are not available for this phone. For instance, "My Tracks" shows up as incompatible with this model, even though it has GPS. DialerOne doesnt even show up in the search results. Anyone else experiencing this?

It seems like the apps will not show up in market, till Google has adds the model to their approved list. Any idea whats to be done to resolve this? Write to Google or Spice?

Any known workarounds for this?
^^ Are the Google apps (MyTracks for instance) available on 3rd party market places? Any recommendations for alternate markets?

Installing the apk seems to work fine for a few apps. I will try some more today. Any convenient site to download apk from?
NinByChoice said:
Any convenient site to download apk from?

I normally just google it and find the apks hosted on some file servers. You can also find links from XDA. Not aware of any specific site.