Spiderman Web of Shadows shuttering problem

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I am facing shuttering in this game. I just installed the game lastnight and while started ( starting from the video) - it shutters (screen freezed for a moment) while swinging and fighting and even running - makes it completely unplayable - guess a poorly optimized port; any tips / fix
^Never faced this even on a 8800GT. Maybe it's the processor ? I ran a Core2Quad. Try lowering the settings all the way down and see. If it works, then slowly change the settings one by one to get to the problematic setting.
PhOeNiX said:
^Never faced this even on a 8800GT. Maybe it's the processor ? I ran a Core2Quad. Try lowering the settings all the way down and see. If it works, then slowly change the settings one by one to get to the problematic setting.

may be :( I have not explored much yet - downloading the patch also. also installed X-men origins wolverine and bionic commando - initially both are running well at maximum settings
Because its a heavily threaded game that is limited by the processor. E5200 is a very weak processor to play this game. You need at least a quad core with a high clock speed (Phenom 2 quad core or Q8200 and above). You have a nice graphics card already. Its the engine that sucks. You will have similar problems if you try playing Prototype.
atiamd said:
Because its a heavily threaded game that is limited by the processor. E5200 is a very weak processor to play this game. You need at least a quad core with a high clock speed (Phenom 2 quad core or Q8200 and above). You have a nice graphics card already. Its the engine that sucks. You will have similar problems if you try playing Prototype.

OMG - any workaround to play the game; I tried by reducing the resolution to 1024*768 - but same shuttering problem
Same problem here as well. I just uninstalled it after a while. For a moment, I thought it was a ATI issue, but then many people had the same issue. Seemed like a decent game. If I'm not mistaken, there was a patch which was out, sadly even that didn't fix anything.
Ethan_Hunt said:
Same problem here as well. I just uninstalled it after a while. For a moment, I thought it was a ATI issue, but then many people had the same issue. Seemed like a decent game. If I'm not mistaken, there was a patch which was out, sadly even that didn't fix anything.

ohh . u might played the game in your console.btw have tried the patch first hand - i will try it tonight
Yeah well now that I have the 360, might as well get the game for it. No point in beating my head over the PC version.

Try the V1.1 patch, alternatively try this trick too:
Go into Task manager(ctrl-alt-del) and right click the Spiderman Web of Shadows.exe process and click "Set Priority" to "high".
Ethan_Hunt said:
Yeah well now that I have the 360, might as well get the game for it. No point in beating my head over the PC version.

Try the V1.1 patch, alternatively try this trick too:

thanks,will try the patch+trick :hap2:
If by workaround, you mean any software mod or patching, then no. But you can try overcloacking your CPU. Also, patch the game and look around the net a li'l bit. Maybe you will find the solution.

I had a Dell INspiron 1530 laptop with 2 ghz core2duo and 8600m GT gfx card. I could not even play the game at 15 fps. I built my PC a few months back (AMD phenom2 X3 720 with IGP) and got a 30 fps constant with some hiccups at max 1280x720. But that was only because my processor lack the fourth core and that the engine was in infancy when the game was released. Then I bought 4870 1GB and guess what, I could crank up the resolution to 1920 x 1080 at all max settings and 4x AA. But the game would still show some hiccups every 5 seconds or so, essentially rendering it unplayable. (As its a swing and hack and slash game, so fluidity in the game is a must). Plus the game is very repetitive, so I just quit trying. I moved on to other importat things like COD 4 and Crysis...lol....But you can OC your processor and try Prototype. Same engine but much more optimised.....and much more fun to play......
@atiamd: very unfortunate; anyway will try to fix -if not then -"move to other important games":ohyeah:


8th sept. update : lastnight , I patch the game and minimized all the graphics and resolution till 800*600.at this resolution the games run better but still freezed while swinging and in between actions. the game is kick ass but sadly very much unoptimized
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