Spore could be the greatest god game so far

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Evolution, Civilisation and SimCity all in one


THE CREATOR of the Sims Will Wright has been showing off his latest creation "Spore" at a recent Game Developer's Conference.

According to film that someone has kindly placed on the world wide wibble, which shows Wright demonstrating the game, it looks like it will be the god game to end all god games.

You start off building a creature from pond life, help it evolve through the age of dinosaurs, obtain sentience, culture, built cities, fight wars, fly off into outer space, terra-form worlds and explore the galaxy.

Wright says that Spore will be networked so that other player’s creatures and cities can appear on your world and galaxy if you build the correct eco-systems.

The game is complex in its outlook and if the final version can pull off the depth of its beta it will be a huge success. The downside of the game appears to be fairly cutesie, blockie graphics, although it is a nice touch to play romantic music when the creatures mate.
if the graphics are anything to go by, it would run at the highest settings on my comp ;) but ive never been a fan of these kinda games.. so will be giving it a skip until someone gives me a free copy ;)
Saw the making of the game on Playgame on BBC, looks amazing...

BTW the show playgame on Tues 3:00 is also muchhhh better then Gamemax or Gamertv too...
hmm at last emphasis is on game creativity rather than eye candy or gore.. me really lookin forward to this one.. hopefully the resurretion of game development
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