Square your search results with Google Squared


Molar Police
Staff member
Super Mod
Some information is easy to find. If you want to learn the rules of golf, you can search Google for [golf rules] and we'll return a list of relevant web sites right at the top. But not all your information needs are that simple. Some questions can be more complex, requiring you to visit ten, perhaps twenty websites to research and collect what you need.

For instance, I'm a big fan of roller coasters. In the past I've used Google to search for information about roller coasters, such as which ones are the tallest, fastest, and have the most loops. Finding this information used to take multiple searches — I'd find roller coaster sizes on one website, heights on another, and speeds on a third. By manually comparing the sites, I could get the information I was looking for, but it took some time. With Google Squared, a new feature just released in Google Labs, I can find my roller coaster facts almost instantly.

Google Squared is an experimental search tool that collects facts from the web and presents them in an organized collection, similar to a spreadsheet. If you search for [roller coasters], Google Squared builds a square with rows for each of several specific roller coasters and columns for corresponding facts, such as image, height and maximum speed.






More here: Official Google Blog: Square your search results with Google Squared

Yet another "innovation" from Google. However, this one might just not become as popular as some of its other products, mainly because it'll be difficult to make people understand its uses.

Google Squared Struggles To Make Search More Helpful - Business Center - PC World

But still it might be very valuable to those who can use it to the potential. Search for "tallest towers" or "deepest oceans" for example... probably you might get an idea about its use.
Yeah... when properly used, I think Squared would be a very powerful tool. Definitely, the guys at Google must be putting a lot of effort to make this more effective and friendly. Right now, the results are really bad in some searches. :)
hp-india said:
Yeah... when properly used, I think Squared would be a very powerful tool. Definitely, the guys at Google must be putting a lot of effort to make this more effective and friendly. Right now, the results are really bad in some searches. :)

yeah, I know. Had spend at least 1hr with Google square. Some results were great and some were like awful. Like when I searched Ford Endeavor and added a column Top Speed it listed as 200+ mph hehe.

Google Square Way to go but surely it will turn to a very powerful reporting tool.
As of now, this tool isn't of much use. I had tried it with a few different keywords, but it shows a lot of promise. Hope it reaches its full potential soon. Would love to be able to get all my facts in one page about any topic I want to research.

Really looking forward to see some major developments in this webware from Google. :)