SRK's Living room 3D

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actually...i'm seriously beginning to wonder how much wud the whole house cost him...

another doubt...doesnt SRK live in an apartment..??
is he building a new house??
no way !! he may have lived in an apartment ages ago...

But he bought this heritage mansion called MANNAT. and he has renovated it a bit (or maybe more :P ) to suit his tastes :P
i guess the one maxguru is designing is a plot next to mannat......where srk is building a 7floor building.........
also i guess manant is not a private property of srk.......its of some parsi(and cant b sold-heritage stuff).....and i heard somewhere its lease was with srk......and it got over.....andnow again he ha extended the least for next 99 years........

nyways i would say damn luky fellow max......especially when u got to c his watch and glares collection...i m drooling
Nice stuff there max keep it comin :ohyeah: and will he really join TE..damn he would be one illustrious member wouldnt he ... :O :O ... hehe imagine TE mumbai meet at SRKs place :P :rofl:

and nice one digital_brain

tell them i work as a mouepad cleaner

The pictures are brilliant.. only if there were in higher resolution .. now i m finding this subject called diigital image processing more interesting :P
ok guys. lots of speculation between you guys... i def. know about the budget and all but i am not going to ever reveaal it.. u know why ... anyway i got the permision to upload some approved renderings for my website.. so i will post some here soon ... cyrux - digital imaging is too vast and lot of patience needed along with creativity ... hope to see u joining digital graphics soon :d
Maxguru said:
cyrux - digital imaging is too vast and lot of patience needed along with creativity ... hope to see u joining digital graphics soon :d

Creativity, thats the only field i lag behind :P , was very poor in arts in my school days
nice work man, just saw the thread :O

And about SRK - Lucky SOB. I swear I am gonna be as rich as him someday lol.
@ max guru all the best

i was talking to my dad on the way to work today and he said something quite striking

wats the use of have a collection of glares and watches when just outside you can find a line of beggars. its the people who have made him rich what is he doing to give back to the people?

wats the use of a collection of glares or watches?
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