Storage Solutions SSHD Solid state hybrid drive feedbacks needed

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Have any one used SSHDs ? I am not looking for the expensive Seagate moments XT.. there are couple of drives Seagate sshd 1/2 TB. Let me know if any experience.
Agreed - sshd ain't worth it .
An alternative is to use a regular 32gb-64gb ssd drive as a cache drive. I did a lot of googling on the subject.
But don't remember the specifics, except that the results and benchmarks were all very impressive.
In that case, actually I will need 2 SSDs,1 SSD may be 128 GB going to be used as Scratch disks for Adobe softwares. I can use the 64 GB to boot OS and install important programs. However it wont be sufficient for all programs. I can use the hard disk for installing less important programs. right? It should work. Anyway just asking.
120gb should be more than enough for a single OS and most programs (excluding huge ass games). for everything else you should have a secondary storage hdd(s).
Please dont buy SSHD
They are pure crap
Buy a 120 gig ssd for OS and couple it with a necessary hdd for other files
Much higher and better performance
Thanks. Actually I need 2 SSD. One for OS and one for scratch disk for Adobe cc software.. thought of using sshd for O's to save some money. Will skip it
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