Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl for free

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there are problems with this system.

firstly, it will not work with a 64bit OS. secondly, the stalker files are encrypted and tied down with DRM. which means they cannot be modded at all. even though it's free, vanilla stalker, without mods, is a significantly inferior experience than when it is modded.
i'm not joking when i say that unmodded, stalker is a much worse experience. the mods for the game improve graphics, gameplay mechanics and they clean up bugs as well...

i realize free is a great price ;) and i guess it's good enough if someone wants to see what the game is like... but if one really wants to play it, they should get a hold of the retail copy. i believe it's sold in india for 200 bucks or so.
wtf thanz all for the info i heard lot bout the game but never played it so thought to give this free one a try but after reading all ur psts i dn think its an gud idea to do so.... :( :( :( :(
dark.lord.rules said:
wtf thanz all for the info i heard lot bout the game but never played it so thought to give this free one a try but after reading all ur psts i dn think its an gud idea to do so.... :( :( :( :(

you should give it a shot if you have the bandwidth (since it's free)... the atmosphere of the game is just brilliant. it's only when you spend some time playing it that you start to realize the problems (bugs, weird ai, bad game design decisions etc.) if you like the free version, then maybe you can consider buying it... it's pretty cheap and after mods are applied it's one of the best games that's come out in the past few years.
If u r willing to be a lil patient at the begining u will realise that S.T.A.L.K.E.R is a brilliant game. Like spindoctor said, the atmosphere and the video n audio effects are awesome even now. So give it a try atleast and decide for ur self. Who knows, it may be the best game uve ever played. Dont miss out on it.
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