Star Wars Movie Duels 2 - SP Total Conversion

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A special treat for Jedi Knight/Jedi Academy fans. :D

A single player, total conversion mod for Jedi Academy. Mod is approx 900 Mb in size. Details from the author/creator:-

In this mod you will relive the most famous duels from star wars episode 1, 2, 3 and the era Rise Of The Empire.

- Choose the light side of the Jedi or the Dark side of the Sith and relive the incredible fights from the movies.

- With 19 missions inspired by the films and a ton of bonus missions, Movie Duels one of the biggest Star Wars mod.

- Relive the epic battles from the movies with new Animations, Cinematics, Maps and Effects.

- Master the missions in all three difficulty levels.

- A completely new Gameplay called "Challenge". Here you fight against the most famous characters from the Star Wars films in 15 stages. To proceed you must win.

* New Maps
* New Textures
* New Shaders
* New Visual Effects
* New Cinematics
* New Animations
* New Scripts
* New Menus

SP Misions in V2.0:

The Phantom Menace
* Short Negotiations (Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan Vs CIS)
* Outskirts Of Tatooine (Qui-Gon Vs Maul)
* Duel Of The Fates (Qui-gon & Obi-Wan Vs Maul)

Attack Of The Clones
* Engage Jango Fett (Obi-Wan Vs Jango Fett)
* Tusken Camp (Anakin Vs Tuskens)
* Geonosis Arena (Windu Vs Jango Fett)
* Battle Of Geonosis (Republic Vs Separatists)
* Confrontation With Dooku (Jedi Vs Dooku)

Revenge Of The Sith
* Rescue Over Coruscant (Anakin & Obi-Wan Vs count Dooku)
* Engage General Grievous (Obi-Wan Vs Grievous)
* Arrest The Chancellor (Mace Vs Sidious)
* Attack On The Jedi Temple (Vader Vs Jedis)
* Retaking The Jedi Temple (Yoda & Obi-Wan Vs Clones)
* Assassination On Mustafar (Vader Vs The Separatist)
* Masters Of The Force (Yoda Vs Sidious)
* Battle Of Heroes (Anakin Vs Obi-Wan)

Rise Of The Empire
* Darth Vader's Redemption (Vader Vs Anakin)
* An Old Enemy (Obi-Wan Vs Darth Maul)
* A New Hope (Starkiller Vs Vader)
Link -

Star Wars: Movie Duels II mod for Star Wars: Jedi Academy - Mod DB
Hi Spin....

Heres another very cool Single Player SW total conversion mod, this time for Freelancer. This is loosely based on the classic "X-Wing Alliance" game which was really cool. So if you like(d)/play(ed) SW flight/space sim games like the original X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Rogue Squadron or Alliance series, you may find this entertaining as well....


Mod details:-

The purpose of this mod was to try and recreate the “simulation” feel of the X-wing space combat simulator PC games. This mod captures that same simulation feel that was brought to you within the X-Wing Alliance game --- in which you fly your ship in your cockpit engaging in mock dog-fight battles. This is not a rokleplaying/multiplayer mod, this is meant to be an extension of the original X-Wing Alliance gameplay --- just like in the X-Wing games, your ships come outfitted with everything you need to engage in dog-fights, and so does this modifcation. All ships have been rebalanced to fit the playability of the original X-Wing Alliance gameplay mechanics. This game focuses on re-creating the feel of the original X-Wing Alliance gameplay. In this modification, you are free to roam the Outer Rim Territories to engage in combat or trade, the choice is yours.

Below is a detailed description of what has been updated in this version:

1. Alternate Way To Ear Credits

Normally, in freelancer the normal way to earn credits is by accepting job board missions or performing cargo runs, in this update I have made sure that every ship you encounter has commodoties in their cargo hold; but more importanly every single "starfighter" has 1 gold bar in their cargo hold.


The reason is simple, now you can truly cruise the space ways and align yourself with ANY faction you want and you won't have to worry about not getting paid by destroying their enemies. Simply pickup the gold bar loot and sell them at any base for 1000 credits. This method adds another level of freedom to gameplay in which you are no longer restricted to job-board missions.

2. Projectile Weapons Updated

In the previous release, I left the projectile weapons "templated" until I was able to perform this rebalance update. Just like in the X-Wing series games, you know have access to the following projectiles:

- Concussion Missiles

- Proton Torpedoes

- Heavy Rockets

- Space Bombs

3. Complete Ship Rebalance Update

This by far was the biggest portion of the update. ALL ships have been rebalanced to an almost-perfet match of their respective RU / SBD / MGLT settings from those in the X-Wing series games.

I say "almost-perfect" match only because the NPC AI in freelancer is quite different than those AI's in the X-Wing sereies; therefore to accomodate for this NPC AI difference, a slight multiplication factor has been added to compensate.

For example, in the X-Wing series games it normally takes 2 direct laser hits to destroy an un-shielded TIE Fighter --- in this conversion, it will take 4 laser hits to destroy an un-shielded TIE Fighter.

Also, all NPC Ships have their appropriate RU / SBD / MGLT settings adjusted as well. You will notice when you are engaging in dog-fights, you will be using your throttle control more decisively.

So, if you are flying a TIE Defender at 144 MGLT, you will have to throttle down in order to attack your enemies from their six --- just like in the X-Wing series games, knowing your opponnents top speed makes a difference when you engage them in mock dog-fight battles.

I have allowed all PLAYER ships the option to equip any SBD shield strength, the reason I left this option available was simply for the non-veteran X-Wing players who are not accustomed to this type of playing dynamics.

If you find it too difficult, simply dock with base and purchase a more powerfull shield (yes, you can equip a 200 SBD shield on your TIE Fighter if you want to).

However, if you are a true X-Wing pilot veteran, then you will come to enjoy this mod update and will fly your starfighters with their normal equipment.


The author (Lahnk) released ver 2 two days ago and an updated ver (2.1a) is in the works. What to expect in the v2.1a update:-

Choose your starting allegiance

Now when you activate the mod, you will be asked what faction you would like to join, each 'starting' faction will have its own unique introduction cutscene as well. Be sure to read the notations before you activate the mod (the notes will be in FLMM in the description text box, so please be sure to read them).

Inter-Faction large scale battles

Imperials vs Rebels .... lots of them! Not only starfighters, but capital ships as well. Join your favorite side and assist in taking down Star Destroyers, Mon Calamaria Cruisers, Nebulon-B Frigates and Corellian Corvettes ... all in one large scale battle!


Link for Mod-
Yep wheels.

Also, XWA: The Outer Rim Territories v2.1a has been released. Link -

X-Wing Alliance: The Outer Rim Territories Mod for Freelancer XWA: The Outer Rim Territories v2.1a download - Mod DB


New in XWA v2.1a (from the author):-

Choose your starting allegiance

Now when you activate the mod, you will be asked what faction you would like to join, each 'starting' faction will have its own unique introduction cutscene as well. Be sure to read the notations before you activate the mod (the notes will be in FLMM in the description text box, so please be sure to read them).

Inter-Faction large scale battles

Imperials vs Rebels .... lots of them! Not only starfighters, but capital ships as well. Join your favorite side and assist in taking down Star Destroyers, Mon Calamari Cruisers, Nebulon-B Frigates and Corellian Corvettes ... all in one large scale battle!

Currently these inter-faction battles between the Imperials and the Rebels are scattered across the Outer Rim Territories in 4 different systems ... it's up to you to find out where these battles are hidden and taking place!

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