People are used to .com, so it will be a little beneficial in the long run. You may lose some traffic from returning visitors as they may type in .com. This is not much an issue, especially these days where people hardly type in domains, but use bookmarks etc.
As your site gets more popular, it will no longer be an issue. See for example.
In case you decide to sell the site someday, .com carry about 10 times more value as the same .net.
Keeping all this aside, if you're getting the name you want in .net, then by all means consider it.
Sent from my ZTE-BLADE using Tapatalk
As your site gets more popular, it will no longer be an issue. See for example.

In case you decide to sell the site someday, .com carry about 10 times more value as the same .net.
Keeping all this aside, if you're getting the name you want in .net, then by all means consider it.
Sent from my ZTE-BLADE using Tapatalk