I am thinking to start my own web hosting company. And I'd like to start small. I already have got a Dedi & a VPS, installed CentOS 32bit & started learning. However I find it too hard. So I have decided to go with reseller hosting in beginning. Once I learn, I can provide dedi.
But I have to make a wise choice here. Indian hosting companies are (in)famous for providing not-so-good service. So if I decide to provide great support, then I have to keep high pricing.
HostGator has the top notch service & they charge 4000 INR / year, with their basic plan with a .com domain. Though they provide unlimited space & bandwidth, but it's not in reality. And they come with restrictions too.
On other hand, one of the cheapest available hosting provider are HostSo. They charge 967 INR for their basic plan + .com domain. But they are so so famous for being worst. Their 200GB space is a big joke. There could be few satisfied customers, but no. of angry are lot more. And their tech support is, youknowwhat.
The saying, you get what you pay for is exactly right.
But I don't want to charge high prices for hosting. So I was thinking to give cheap hosting [somewhat hostso charges] but no support. It must be surprising for you guys when I say No Support. But sometimes I think, do I need really support ? I am with hostgator from past one year. Only once in beginning I contacted them. And NEVER !
If I provide 99.99% uptime & provide support in beginning like domain registration / nameservers etc, but with cheap hosting. And I will be totally providing support for server side errors.
This kinda of hosting for tech savvys & nerds who know how to handle their stuffs. Who already have a hosting experience but need good hosting at low prices.
So what do you say guys ? Thanks for reading
But I have to make a wise choice here. Indian hosting companies are (in)famous for providing not-so-good service. So if I decide to provide great support, then I have to keep high pricing.
HostGator has the top notch service & they charge 4000 INR / year, with their basic plan with a .com domain. Though they provide unlimited space & bandwidth, but it's not in reality. And they come with restrictions too.
On other hand, one of the cheapest available hosting provider are HostSo. They charge 967 INR for their basic plan + .com domain. But they are so so famous for being worst. Their 200GB space is a big joke. There could be few satisfied customers, but no. of angry are lot more. And their tech support is, youknowwhat.
The saying, you get what you pay for is exactly right.
But I don't want to charge high prices for hosting. So I was thinking to give cheap hosting [somewhat hostso charges] but no support. It must be surprising for you guys when I say No Support. But sometimes I think, do I need really support ? I am with hostgator from past one year. Only once in beginning I contacted them. And NEVER !
If I provide 99.99% uptime & provide support in beginning like domain registration / nameservers etc, but with cheap hosting. And I will be totally providing support for server side errors.
This kinda of hosting for tech savvys & nerds who know how to handle their stuffs. Who already have a hosting experience but need good hosting at low prices.
So what do you say guys ? Thanks for reading