Steam issues !!

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Steam has been acting weird lately. Double-clicking on the shortcut will start steam up. The app can easily connect to the authentication servers and all. However once it updates, the main window shows nothing but this, "Scanning for steam game updates".

It doesnt stop scanning , neither does it show the games list until i disconnect my internet connection upon which it shows a general directory server error as shown below.

Any help would be appreciated. Using norton 2005 and Sygate firewall.
SteamStartup() failed: *SteamBlockingCall(Login)(0xab0001,0,0x105fd04) failed with error 200: Failed to connect to any GeneralDirectoryServer, WinSock Error 10065 "No route to host"

- ur not connected in the net

- if you want offline, find steam.dll in your css folder and rename it

- double check steamapp.cfg


Else : Disable norton & sygate and try.
ITs not that.

It happens to me too, The Steam network is too busy. It just doesnt show the error.

I got this error 2 times, and left it on Overnight, and the next Morning it was fine.

Thats the only workaround.
@dipdude: Sygate isn't the issue i think but perhaps i might try to uninstall Norton and get kaspersky instead.

@golden_frag: Had left it overnight, however the damn thing was still scanning for updates.
^ Blade, looks like norton not allowing some file changes to happen during steam game update, about that winsock error - it happens only after you disconnect. So Norton is to blame.

Uninstall and try.
^^ I dont think so, if got this error, and also the one you Quoted, twice.

I have no AntiVirus installed.

I only Install, Scan, Delete my Anti-Virus.
close peer guardian if u r running it....mine was acting weird cause of tht was giving the same error...closed peerguardian...wrked fine
Slight update: The culprit it turns out was Xfire, the gaming messenger which somehow messed up the LSP layer and was causing the above issue.

Now i can receive steam updates, but there is a slight hitch, all games except CSS can receive updates. I've ran the game cache intergrity verification app and it seems to be stuck at 71%. Any remedies to this ?
Blade_Runner said:
Slight update: The culprit it turns out was Xfire, the gaming messenger which somehow messed up the LSP layer and was causing the above issue.

Now i can receive steam updates, but there is a slight hitch, all games except CSS can receive updates. I've ran the game cache intergrity verification app and it seems to be stuck at 71%. Any remedies to this ?

Can you backup the game using steam? see if you can do this. then you can restore from the backup. I did week ago steam took me 10 min to update after the restore and I was back ;)
Sandy said:
Can you backup the game using steam? see if you can do this. then you can restore from the backup. I did week ago steam took me 10 min to update after the restore and I was back ;)
Right now no but i can get the updates from a friend or funky and then do this. If i get the updates and replace my steamapps the game starts working fine....... :| However as soon as there is a update, this whole thing starts off again :|
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