It seems some kid was trying to pose as a Steam employee to gain access to someone else's account, and had the tables turned on him. Guess what happend 

Read the rest:rofl:Greg_ValveOLS says:
if you can verify your account information to me i can insure that only your ip have access to it Its a new security feature were trying because this happens so muchlogin names and passwords aint safe anymroe You know. L
br0kenrabbit says:
Greg_ValveOLS says:
dont worry this connect it secure
br0kenrabbit says:
Can I be honest with you, Greg?
Greg_ValveOLS says:
br0kenrabbit says:
Look, I don't know how you go this MSN account name, don't really care, either.
br0kenrabbit says:
Unlike you, I DO work for Valve. Trace my ip and you'll see.
Greg_ValveOLS says:
Greg_ValveOLS says:
br0kenrabbit says:
Trace it.
Greg_ValveOLS says: