Steam Query?

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I recently bought two steam packs for friends... One was CSS and other one was HL2 GOTY Pack.... CSS pack had CSS and DODS while HL2 GOTY Pack had HL2/HL2 DM/CSS/HL1S... Hope this helps...
Um... For how much did you buy em Switch :P.

After you order, the Game will appear in your My Games list. And itll start Downloading about 4 - 5 GB worth of Content.
try and Planet M, Music World, Walden, or any place that stocks games CDs...

and i think sells the games as well, they ship it to your place...
Aditya said:
The HL2 Pack is better IMHO.
You get HL2 and CS Source.
The 2 main games :P.

yup i know that and i need both too.

now i just have to flatter mom for Rs. 1300. :P

i had Steam Source Premier Pack but that thief ayan debnath stole it. :@
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