Steam server down ?


So I bought TF2 from steam yesterday. Downloaded the steam client and when I open it, The updating mini window appears for a while and gives "Steam is temporarily unavailable please try again later" :|

Its been 12 hours and still the same error. Is it some problem in my end ?
Nope its a global problem. Check the official forums several people have it since they released the new version of the Beta Client :( UI Update stuck at 48% or 50% - Steam Users' Forums

Even i had the same problem. Tried quite a few fixes too but none worked. Uninstalled/Reinstalled 3-4 times worked the 5th time.

P.S: Once its updated it works correctly but if you uninstall the problem will be back. So dont uninstall
I had the same problem when I wanted to play Counter Strike Source on my notebook instead of my PC,on which I normally play.

Installed the Steam client and it just wouldn't update. Threw up the same error that you are getting. What I did to resolve the issue was to copy over the entire Steam folder from my PC and paste it over the installation on my notebook. Fired up steam and it took a few minutes to verify the game caches. Then it downloaded some files for a minute and was set. I recommend the same as well if you can lay your hands on someone's already updated Steam installation.