Stills,Scans & Trailers from Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

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Did any one of you see the ROTS 2 min MEGA trailer?


It simple rocks!

It even shows Palpatine Vs Yoda :O:O:O:O

@mods: pls rename thread to Trailers and Still of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith or something.
I saw it and liked it. Its nearly as good as the older ones. For a change the acting wasn't as wooden as Ep1 and 2. The initial sequence was plain amazing. The graphics were just mind blowing. There was more lightsabre combat than all the other movies put together. The transition of Anakin from the light to the dark side was pretty convincing until the last scene. However the weak point of the movie was the dialogue... especially the ones between padme and anakin.... cheesy romance :P. Ian McDiarmid playing Chancellor Palpatine was extremely believable and probably the best character in the movie from an acting standpoint. Good movie nonetheless as the story was pretty neatly done though all of us knew what was to happen. An 8/10 from me.
i saw pirated version and story makes no sense at all. One moment he is good i n5 minutes he is killing kids? Only 10 year olds can like the story but action was nice.
I saw the Movie on Friday....First Day First Show...
and i must say the movie is awesome.....
recommended watch for all....
I agree with Chaos......stupid romance dialogues:bleh:

Lightsabre duels were simply awesome. U have to see them on the big screen to appreciate it.

The story proceeds at a relatively good rate and keeps u entertained throughout.

All in all, a movie rated 8.5/10 from my side. (-1.5 due to stupid romantic scenes:bleh: and a few unwanted scenes.)

End of the Star Wars Series, it is. ;)

May the force be with you.
ok ok, dont reveal any more details please, not even a sneak peak like he does this and that......
I am gona watch it as soon as my exams are over.
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