Storage Solutions Strange Problem?

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Hello There,

Today I finally able to get Win98 Update as I am failure since last 3-4 days due to unknown reason.

After updating (Download) all files from MS, program ask permission to Restart Computer and I click on yes, but I got blue message that system is busy and to restart it use Alt+Ctrl+Del, as I know none other application is running on my PC I use these keys and restart PC and System Starts Normally and Updates Take Effects.

Thank suddenly my Keyboard hang, I think that as I open many browser at a time I need to close some of them but not possible due to keyboard hang so I push Restart Button with CPU and this time again I get message that system is busy and press any key to continue, I press and screen go Blank only little cursor blinking I wait for minute but nothing happen so I try to use Alt+Ctrl+Del but it didn't work than I push Restart Button with CPU.

Now the problem is Widow can not Restart It Self so after each and ever Update, Download or Removal of program, while auto Restarting it give me same problem as mentioned above and I have to push Restart Button and forced to go all Scanning of HDD process.

Can any one point out what is a problem and Solution for it.:(

Thank You.

Note : I perform AVG virus Scan, Registry Checking/cleanning and Restoring Registry with last abckup but all invain.
the only 3 things i can think of which are probably not helpful at all are to:

1. go to control panel then system then device manager(or windows 98 equivalent, its been too long since i used that system), this way might be faster, right click my computer on desktop and click properties. anyway, check and make sure there are no device conflicts/problems.

2.whenever i get weird issues with my system i go "driver hunting," not the best method but sometimes helps elimate problems, if not you can atleast cross it off ur list. and hopefully this doesnt create new ones. hopefully

3.crappy PSU's cause such/unexpected behavior.
Thanks for reply Dabbad0n,

But I already check all this things and found OK ! Even System has none other problem except this.
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