Streaming Audio is awesome !


Ok, I got a Music streamer DAC. :)

Got it for 9k via iccworld.

On opening the very simple package I was stunned to see the HUGE variety of accessories that came with the DAC. Ok so nothing came with the DAC. Just the warranty card. No USB cable, no RCA cable no nothing !

However it used the same USB cable as my Compass so installation was a breeze. It sounds better than anything I had before. Probably the best in its price range.

It has more detailing than my Compass DAC while remaining mostly neutral.

However the main area of improvement is the soundstage. I finally know what a 3D soundstage sounds like. :D

I actually find myself turning my head to listen to the sound. Vocals are now more clear and image separation has also improved. Its a treat to use the Yamaha YH-100s with these and disect the music in your head. :)

A really worthy purchase and the second last item in my audio chain. The last being a DIY tube amp that being built by........ someone. ;)

After that then no more audio gear related purchases. Promise ! :ashamed:

Here are a few pics



Congrats! It's raining audio upgrades :p

The price difference among the various streamer models is pretty huge, this one seems to be great VFM

What quality streams are we talking about here

Internet streams or streamig from an internal library

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Congrats! So, my guess was correct after all ;)

I'm sure you don't need any more upgrades for sometime with this combo of DAC + Amp :)
@XTechManiac , toxicdrift, Sunnyboi, rocky_pratik, desecrator - Thanks guys ! :D

@ mukulymn's , esantosh - Thanks, but just wanted to clarify that the amp is not yet complete and is a WIP as its a DIY amp. :(

The person making the amp is doing it during his free time and he is currently working on three amp builds at the same time.

@ babhishek - Sorry for the cheezy title, but the DAC is called the music streamer ! I don't listen to streaming audio since 99.99% of the time the quality is crap.

Unfortunately this DAC really makes my poor recordings sound like crap. :(

@Ritvik - Actually there are only 3 models - The Musicstreamer II for $149, II+ for $349 and the pro (balanced DAC) for $499.

The II+ is better but only just and you need a really revealing rig like an HD 800 to make out the difference clearly.

Unfortunately stock of the older Music streamer, Music streamer+ and Music streamer pro are still available but selling at their old prices which means they are no longer VFM.
^ Guess Brendon has to change the title just to be clear :). No streaming involved. It's a DAC.


I too had a resolution sometime ago. I am sure Brendon will keep his 'promise' like I did ;)
@harakiri - Thanks ! But in all fairness, the differences between DACs are very small as I move up the food-chain and most of my favorite music is not of the best quality.

@ryanrulez4ever - Sorry dude about the cheesy title. Its a DAC that i have. :p

@esanthosh - No dude, I also need $$$ to buy a new camera body so no more money can be shifted to audio. :eek:hyeah:

@Faheem - You are welcome to come anytime dude. :D

@blufox - Thanks. And yeah I really like the A700. Got it very cheap thankfully.

@viralbug - Thanks. But I am selling off my Compass to pay for this DAC.

@stalker - Yeah well YOU were the culprit who got me started into all this when you sold me your Crossroads Mylar X3. Before that I used to think my Sony earbuds were the 'best' in the world. :ashamed:

@titana - Thanks. Yes it hasn't got anything much in the way of connectivity but since all my music is on my computer I did not require additional connectivity.