Streaming Audio is awesome !

Congratulations on your purchase mate. Will meet at your place with the Denon D5000 to see how 3D the soundstage really is. I can't even imagine how amazing your YH-100 and the HD650 sound in this. The HD650 were soo lush from the compass itself. Is the lushness still there through the Streamer or is the neutralness making them sound different / dry?

Guess will have to wait to try them out. :)

P.S. How small is this in size and how much are you selling these for? ;)
@Benny - The lushness is definitely toned down from the Compass. I had swapped the Compass DAC OPAMP to the AD797BR which IMO is the BEST Opamp for vocals. The Compass is definitely more neutral rather than lush but I like them just the same.

My weak point is the Compass amp which has power but no real finesse. I have ordered a new amp but it will take 2 months at least till I get it. ;)

The DAC itself is very small and light but no I am not going to sell the DAC, I can't afford anything better. :ashamed:

But you are welcome anytime to my house to try it out. Just remember to bring your own music or suffer listening to 4 hours of Celine dion !!! :p

@iaudio - Thanks ! But its a pure DAC and it cannot drive a headphone directly. Needs a headphone amp between the DAC and the headphone. BTW esantosh also bought the same DAC.

@strategy - Thanks. Thats the best part about this DAC ! Even 30 days from now I still get amazed on hearing the little nuances in my music. Its definitely a keeper this DAC. :)

@shadow747 - Thanks.
@cravikum - Thanks !

@benny - Excellent ! :D We need to catch Faheem as well as i want to see how much better the D5000 is over the D2000.

Also when are you coming down ? Please dont forget my Crossroads Woodies ! :)
^ We are going to have a Mega Mumbai Audio meet in Jan first week. Someone else from the US of A is going to join us as well , with lot of goodies:D
I tried the JH13 when they weren't made for my ears, you'll still be able to get some idea of how good they can be. :p

But the change from the H/O on the S9 to L/O on the imod is much more than I expected! Will never buy a portable without a proper line out again.........much less coloured finally doing some justice to the mustang.

Has UM sent Amarbir their Mage and Miracle universal trial sets? They sounded pretty good when I heard them